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  1. Dash

    Interracial relationships

    LOL... now I realise how much you crap on in your short answer responses :p
  2. Dash

    The test for ya Ls...

    Errr... I don't think that you have to renew your L's licence just cos you fail the test...
  3. Dash

    Post Teen Movies Here.

    I find charlies angels to be so shit~! Its not worth the film its printed on...
  4. Dash

    Weird Dreams about the HSC

    Keep yourself buzi I say... If your mind is on other things instead of the HSC and your UAI, I doubt you'll have many dreams about it....
  5. Dash

    The National IQ Test

    hah... Im shit compared to you, I got 117 :p Lets hope I improve
  6. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Ah, even tho I edited it, I think ppl have the general idea of whats gunna happen :p
  7. Dash

    Answers for Physics Contexts 2

    Yeh, they won't be on the net due to copywrite laws as stated in another thread.
  8. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Edit: sorry bout that ppl... I was just really pissed off...
  9. Dash

    The National IQ Test

    what day is the IQ test?
  10. Dash

    does anyone else...

    Same here. I have so much that I have to do. I don't think that I've spent a full day at home yet...
  11. Dash

    Tips for the new year 12

    I was thinking the same thing... An important thing to note is that the HSC is overrated. :p If you have not studied anything from the start of year 12, you have 5 whole weeks I think to prepare everything. Im not saying that you should do this, but just think how much you can cover in that...
  12. Dash

    Weird Dreams about the HSC

    I had something similar... I had a dream that there was like 5 minutes left for an english exam, and I hadn't even started~! :p I was so stressed out when I woke up :D
  13. Dash

    welcome 2004sers!

    Business management and Change right? Haha, thats the easiest one... its only uphill from there though :p
  14. Dash

    Could i plz hav u UAI estimation.

    Are these your estimate raw marks for your HSC examinations?
  15. Dash

    Raw Marks

    As you know, raw marks are never revealed... So there is no way to know for sure sorry.
  16. Dash


    Omg... I thought it was real... the punches n everything~! :p
  17. Dash

    Tips for the new year 12

    You don't really need to do hardcore study over these upcoming holidays. Just do a little bit each day, and you'll be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.
  18. Dash

    Post Teen Movies Here.

    40 days and 40 nights and The Hot Chick
  19. Dash

    Tips for the new year 12

    Seeing as HSC is drawing to a close, are there any tips that any of you wish to pass on to the next yr 12??? I personally think that consistency in your work is the key! I really can't stress this enough, and I wish someone told me this back when I started yr 12 :p But yeh, don't expect...
  20. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    My money on the sole survivor is Savage or Rupert :D