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  1. Dash

    OK listen

    That equation applies only to the conductors that exhert resistance on the electrons which flow through them. This equation would also apply to the superconductor if it was not cooled to its critical temperature.... So yeh, you can't really apply the formula to the application of...
  2. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Shit man... The girls are taking ova... I hope they starve to death if they end up voting Rupert or Burton out... *stab* *stab* *stab*
  3. Dash

    2nd interview??? what does it mean?

    Hah... Its prolly a little late now to tell you this. But don't sound desperate for the job. A friend of mine did this, and he got screwed :p
  4. Dash

    Ambition Same Day as UAI Results?

    LOL... I can so imagine you saying this... 96... sick~!... na wait... 69.... sweet :D
  5. Dash

    Ambition Same Day as UAI Results?

    So its either going to be, drink your sorrows away... Or get smashed to celebrate :p
  6. Dash

    Students online

    My ranks all went down :( I had to waste a whole day at school clearing it up... Stupid f**ked up teachers~!
  7. Dash

    Books for sale

    LOL i noe this dude personally... I was only joking :p
  8. Dash

    Tips for the new year 12

    Yeh, but not to ppl whoz standards are insane compared to your own :p Maybe someone someone who is just a little better than you...
  9. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    This survivor is suckers... All the mad ppl are prolly gunna get voted out :(
  10. Dash

    Answers for Physics Contexts 2

    Good and bad really... It's good that the book is aligned with the type of questions that would be asked in the HSC... Bad cos I didnt come across it whilst I was studying Physics :p
  11. Dash

    UR DESIRED UAI + desired preference

    The poll is pretty limited...
  12. Dash

    Answers for Physics Contexts 2

    I realised that the Macmillian textbook had a question in there that was in the HSC Astrophyics option...
  13. Dash

    Books for sale

    Hahahahaha... your such a lost case av :p Delete this thread...
  14. Dash

    Common Rooms

    We "had" a common room. Some faggots started playing soccer in there and started to smash the windows with the ball. They also rippred up the couches and ruined the toasters. We spent like $200 on a air conditioner that we never ended up using cos of that. They closed it down for us :( Those...
  15. Dash

    Answers for Physics Contexts 2

    Something which I did not do, and paid for dearly :p Note making at this time is a really good idea... You'll be greatful later on :)
  16. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Calm down ppl... There are still 5 episodes to go :p I promise I won't say nething... Just convey my disgust through mindless rambling :)
  17. Dash

    welcome 2004sers!

    I'm thinkin right now... These guys have no idea what they're in for :p Business studies is just cramming from my point of view...
  18. Dash


    Try ALDI... It has had to change once it expanded into Australia... Go to google and research the company :) EDIT: oh and... this business is also really good for the Globalisation topic you will do later on...
  19. Dash

    Answers for Physics Contexts 2

    It has good practice questions unlike the Jacaranda... But the content is so shit. The Jacaranda rips it in that department. NekkidSerpent, if you really want the answers... *looks around... wispers* contact Ladymoon :)
  20. Dash

    cricket anyone??

    My mood towards cricket varies with the success of the team I back up... At the moment, Im on an all time low since India lost to Australia :(