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  1. Dash

    Space travel questions

    1) The condition that you stated before (ie changing acceleration) is a very good one. Its called "momentum conservation" and explains the variations in g forces on an astronaut during launch. You could also relate this point to single stage and multi-stage rockets. About the other 2...
  2. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    This survivor is fuxed... 2 of the best guys have been voted out by fags that I hate... Jons just dun the unthinkable... and so I'm pissed off... Screw his "Johnny Fairplay" shit... I want him dead!!! *ok breath... count to ten*
  3. Dash

    help with calculation problems

    I was thinking the same thing... meh
  4. Dash

    wuts better??? medical or astro

    As Huy said, Astro will tie in very well with the space topic you will have to do... Its definitely interesting... Not much math there either. Just a couple of formulas, mainly in determining the distances to stars from earth... Depends really, if you enjoyed space as I did... you will like...
  5. Dash

    calculate the "best angle"

    Me is drunk I say sir.... Dis aint gunna be in ur hsc god dam man!! Cool down n screw the hsc! Its a piece of shitty DOGGGG!!!!! I have no idea what I'm on about...... Bah......... la la la la la... time to get sobre.................................
  6. Dash

    does anyone know these ppl

    ROFL!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Thats a classic :p
  7. Dash

    where do you buy clothes from?

    Colorado and Roger David
  8. Dash

    How much does biz get scaled down??

    If you get a band 6 in business studies, the scalings are quite reasonable...
  9. Dash

    Best textbook

    Arnold is a shit book to use (especially when new to the course). The questions are too difficult when compared to those tested in the HSC. Starting up with the arnold really screws you over cos you have to get the basics in you. The arnold is just up and go if u noe what I mean... :p If...
  10. Dash


    Its kinda fustrating teaching newbiez how to play CS :p
  11. Dash

    Preparation for trials

    If your first, It doesn't matter what your mark was. Although 85% is not bad :P
  12. Dash

    syllabus - g forces

    Right about the true/apparent weight there rage... Hmmm... about calculating g forces... They might ask it since the rollercoaster question was removed from last years syllabus.
  13. Dash

    Phys textbook

    Agreed... The Jacaranda is most probably the best physics book around. The surfing series are also very good. However they have a lot of errors in their answers that you have to watch out for :p I suggest using the Success One for test based study, and not for course revision. Other...
  14. Dash

    all i want is 90 - do i have a chance

    Yup I'm thinkin high 80s at the moment.
  15. Dash

    Was that just the HSC?

    That last question was pretty difficult in the sense that you could write a lot about it... But who gives a shit about that now :p
  16. Dash

    fun with boobies

    Woah... Thats a pretty decent rack if you ask me :p
  17. Dash

    welcome 2004sers!

    Okay... we can't have that enthusiasm here thank you. Everyone should be miserable and we should keep it at that~!
  18. Dash


    I dunno if this is a safe method... But u can try and taking a sleeping pill. Get approval first of course!
  19. Dash

    so waddya think u got?

    90s here... *hope I dun jinx it* :p
  20. Dash

    Insufficient UAI

    LOL... refer to the post above you :)