Survivor : Pearl Islands (2 Viewers)


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Osten is inducted into the Reality TV Hall of Shame

The Quitter: Osten Taylor from Survivor: Pearl Islands
by David Bloomberg -- 11/06/2003

It took seven seasons, but it finally happened somebody out and out quit on Survivor. Was it some poor thin woman whose hair was falling out due to malnutrition? No. It was a guy who showed up in peak shape, with muscles bulging out all over. Osten Taylor never should have been on the show, he was too weak-willed and scared of his own shadow. Now hes being inducted into the Hall of Shame for his actions on the show and after.

Tens of thousands of people apply to be on every edition of Survivor. Those who are eventually picked run the gamut from being strategic geniuses (at least in their own minds) to survival nuts who can tie 18 different types of knots and catch fish with their bare hands. We have seen a wide range of body types as well, from big guys to little women. Some have complained, some have just gone along with whatever the game gave them. But nobody had actually quit until Osten Taylor came along on Survivor: Pearl Islands.

Sure, B.B. asked to be voted off on the first Survivor, but he knew he was probably going anyway. Shawna whined that she wanted off in the Amazon edition. Etc. But nobody actually made the final decision and took themselves out of it until Osten decided that he just couldnt handle it anymore.

As soon as Osten left the show, the Hall of Shame was inundated with e-mails nominating him. There was never any doubt, really. Osten was complaining since the first few days. He stupidly traded away his clothing at the village where they were supposed to get supplies, and the complained about being cold. He was certain he was going to get sick, catch pneumonia, have blood in his lungs, etc. He couldnt stand the thought of actually being out in nature where there were evil creatures like bugs, crabs, snakes (or sticks that look sort of like snakes), and the worst of all pelicans! He couldnt handle being hungry or the thought that his body was disintegrating because it wasnt getting proper nutrition.

Basically, he was diametrically opposed to everything that Survivor is about.

Why the hell did Osten even audition for Survivor? That one is a mystery. What is certain is that he took away a spot from one of the many other people who knew what they would be getting into and would have done so willingly. Another thing that is certain is that six people who had been voted off were struggling mightily to get back while he was whining and complaining and leaving voluntarily.

Was Osten hungry all the time? Probably. But then so was everybody on his tribe. How pathetic was it to hear him talk about how his body couldn't handle it when he was sitting next to little Tijuana and Darrah? Little Elisabeth from the Australian Outback could handle Survivor to the point that her hair was falling out due to malnutrition but big muscular Osten couldn't? Had he not seen any episode of Survivor ever? Did he think there would be a big Panamanian buffet on the island?

Maybe things would have been different if he had been on Drake, where food was aplenty. But thats not something you can count on in Survivor. In fact, its a rarity. And frankly, I tend to think that even if he werent hungry, he still would be complaining about the weather, the boredom, the bugs, the animals, etc. Just look at how he behaved with Pelican Pete. We already knew he was afraid of his own shadow, but to stand there and sharpen his machete because of a pelican? It was a ridiculous and childish gesture on his part.

But Osten didnt even have to wish he were on Drake when it came to food. The merge is coming we may not know exactly when, but its on the way. At that point, there would likely be more food anyway, if only because the whole new tribe would have Rupert working for them. All he had to do was hang in for a couple more days, but he didnt even think about it. He just gave up.

Osten tried to make it sound like he was doing this for the tribe. If they accepted that he was going, they would be stronger. But lets face it even though players are broken into tribes, Survivor is an individual game. Tribes dont win in the end, single players do. There is no point in becoming a martyr because there is no cause to martyr yourself for.

Another point that will linger in many minds is his speech in Tribal Council, when he essentially said that he gives 110% to everything he does unless he thinks he wont succeed, in which case he gives up. He was acting as if this was something admirable and noble, but its not. Its just saying that if something is too hard, he quits.

Really, when it all comes down to it, it wasnt Ostens body that gave out on him. It was his mind. Andrew noted that its all about willpower and a strength of mind, and he was right. The first time Osten whined that he wanted to quit, Lill noted that he didnt win so he wanted out. She further noted that while he claimed his body was giving out, he was running up and down the beach, lifting logs, throwing coconuts, and playing. There was nothing wrong with his body, she said, but with his piss-poor attitude.

Osten checked out early, was brought back partially, and then was in and out from that point forward. He participated in the challenges, but when they needed him the most he often failed. While I cant fault him for losing the challenge of holding up his tribemate on the rope, in other cases he just blew it. For example, what made Osten who had admitted early on that he was not a good swimmer decide to swim out for a puzzle piece when he could have just gotten one from the sand? Of course, he needed to be rescued by his other tribe members and they blew the challenge. Later, when they needed his strength for the challenge of holding up weight, he was the first to give out while Drake tribes skinny woman, Christa, held up better than he did. Sure, Morgan won the challenge, but they did it on the back of Andrew, not muscle-man Osten.

As time went by, Osten had predetermined that he would get sick, get bitten by animals, etc. For a while, his teammates kept him in the game, thinking that he would get over it (as, for example, Shawna had in The Amazon). But he didnt.

Osten was a man at the peak of physical fitness, surrounded by physically weaker people. Sure, he was being weakened by the lack of food and other conditions, but he was also stronger to begin with. He had plenty of excuses, but none of them stand up to scrutiny, especially as he sat there next to Darrah and Tijuana, who are both shrinking away before our eyes.

But Osten wasnt content with just the Hall of Shame induction that would have been awaiting him simply from his behavior on the show. No, he had to make it worse in his media appearances after the show. He told that although people say that he quit, Mark Burnett quit on us by letting the Outcasts in. So I [thought], 'You know what? I'll quit on him.'" What a whiny excuse. First of all, Osten was talking about quitting from just a few days into the show long before there was any hint about the return of the Outcasts. Second, there were nine other people who were faced with the same situation of the Outcasts returning, and none of them quit.

Ironically, Osten later added in a chat that bringing back the Outcasts destroys the credibility as well as the integrity of the game. It goes against the whole premise of the show Survivor to allow them back in. Its a complete abomination. While I personally happen to agree that allowing people to return goes against the best concepts of the game, I find it incredibly ironic that the guy who quit would complain about something else violating the integrity of the game or going against its premise. After all, the premise of the game is to try to stick around as long as possible to survive. If there was an abomination here, it was the way Osten acted.

On the Early Show and in his CBS chat, Osten made other ridiculous comments. He called host Jeff Probsts behavior juvenile and called him a coward. When asked why he called Probst a coward, he said that it was for two reasons. First, he is a coward. Ah, well, that explains everything. His second reason is, because if you have something to say, you say it to their face, not wait (sic) until theyre gone. The problem with this, of course, is that Probst made it quite clear during the Tribal Council that he was pretty disgusted with Ostens behavior. The only thing he did after Osten was gone was lay his torch down in the dirt and make an additional comment or two. Besides that, its ridiculous to call him a coward in any case. I mean, even if we go with Ostens incorrect claim that Probst didnt say things to his face, do we really think he did it because he was afraid of Osten? Hell, all Probst would have had to do is say, Look out, pelican! and Osten would have been hiding behind Tijuana. What would Osten have done to Probst? Whine at him some more? Please. On the flip side, Osten claimed in the same interviews and chats that Probsts comments didnt bother him one iota. Hmmm. Then why did you resort to namecalling?

Other things he said include that he was not portrayed accurately. Um. You quit. You were portrayed as a quitter. Seems pretty straightforward to me. When somebody in the chat asked how it feels to know that his place in Survivor history is as the first quitter ever, he sarcastically (I presume) replied, It feels great. Well, then this Hall of Shame induction ought to feel even better!

Finally, when asked if Survivor has changed his life, Osten replied, Survivor hasn't done anything for me. It was a good experience, but I didn't learn anything about myself. I think that may be the worst thing hes said overall. He didnt learn anything about himself? Well, maybe not, but the rest of us sure learned plenty about him and it wasnt good.

Host Jeff Probst was absolutely right to scorn Osten in his final tribal council. The producers were absolutely right to deny him an exit speech and instead just show his torch lying in the dirt where it belonged. Ostens spot on Survivor should have gone to somebody who would actually play the game, not simply experience a small amount of hardship much of it of his own making and give up. Osten has earned his place in the Reality TV Hall of Shame.


May 15, 2003
Originally posted by routemarker
Host Jeff Probst was absolutely right to scorn Osten in his final tribal council. The producers were absolutely right to deny him an exit speech and instead just show his torch lying in the dirt where it belonged. Ostens spot on Survivor should have gone to somebody who would actually play the game, not simply experience a small amount of hardship much of it of his own making and give up. Osten has earned his place in the Reality TV Hall of Shame.
Couldn't have out it any better myself.


May 15, 2003
Savage is gone :( I really don'r want Lil to win.

Who got voted out after, I fell asleep.


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
The morgan big guns, savage and Ryno were voted of with ryno being the first castaway to be on the jury.

That stingray bit was classic
Burton 'put your finger here'
Rupert 'now youre freaking me out'
zaps burton 'son of a bitch'
shot of sting ray on grill Transcript with Andrew Savage

Survivor Host: You all have a lot of great questions for Andrew, so let's get begin. Hey Andrew! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Andrew: Absolutely.

Xavier: Andrew, how did you feel when your number of votes was slightly higher than Jon's, and do you think that Jon deserves to stay in?
Andrew: I had a terrible sinking feeling when I had more votes than Jon but being the eternal optimist I was hoping that Lill came to her senses and sided with Morgan. In my opinion, Jon absolutely does not deserve to stay.

pelican: Andrew, were you mad at Lillian for going with the Drakes?
Andrew: I was disappointed with Lillian and her decision to side with the Drakes. Lill, for the nine days after she was voted out, was on vacation. During those nine days the Morgan tribe practically killed themselves in engineering possibly one of the greatest comebacks in Survivor history against arguably the most powerful tribe in the history of Survivor. Lill in one simple vote washed away that entire effort, and that's what hurt.

Judge_courtinsession: How did it feel when Lillian called you on her being voted off and you failed to come back to her and now you're out?
Andrew: I want to set the record straight--on day nine right before Tribal Council I went up to Lill, gave her a hug, kiss on the cheek, told her that we loved her, that I was sorry about having to vote her out but that it wasn't personal, it was a strategy. Before we left for Tribal Council, Lill showed me where she put dry firewood because the hurricane was coming. Lill said to me, "I know I'm not coming back, here's the dry fire wood so you can start the fire when you get back". Lill has admitted in her exit interviews these two facts. She knew she was getting voted out and I told her.

SurvivorGirl: Were you surprised Rupert voted for you when you were so gracious when he was with Morgan? I wish you had won!
Andrew: Very cool and thank you. What you didn't see is that after the feast, Rupert and I had an alliance. There were three Morgans and three Drakes. A handful of minutes before we got into the boat to go to Tribal Council Lill decided to jump ship and side with the Drake tribe. As soon as she did that, my alliance with Rupert disappeared. There was no reason for the Drakes to align with the Morgans because with Lill the Drakes had superior numbers. And to answer your question, yes, it hurt very much that Rupert voted for me.

WindyCityJo: Do you wish you had voted Osten off earlier, saving Lill and maybe yourself?
Andrew: No, we kept Osten because we knew very physical challenges were coming in the future. Osten did very well in the rope pull Challenge, holding Darrah up for over two hours. Osten also did his part in the sandbag weight challenge, holding 160 lbs. for as long as he could and it enabled Morgan to win that challenge. What you don't see is Osten gathering oysters and muscles and firewood every day and contributing to the tribe.

DanieuBleau: Andrew, be brutally honest, what do you think about booted players coming back in?
Andrew: I have great respect for Mark Burnett, Jeff Probst and their production team. I signed up for what I believe is the greatest game, and any twists, any curve balls, bring 'em on. Having said that, no one will convince me that Lill or Burton outwitted, outlasted or outplayed me because they were voted off before me fair and square.

kevzz: Hi Andrew! Are you trying to send some sort of message on wearing the coat to every Challenge and Tribal Council?
Andrew: [laughs] We're in the tropics, but it's cold at night. I'm wearing my jacket because it's cold.

r?nk: Savage, did you burn your skivvies?
Andrew: [laughs] I still have my Gap boxers and on special occasions I still wear them.

indarooni: Are you working on an advertisement campaign with Armani?
Andrew: Not presently but I would love to in the future.

ROGNA: Do you think Jon could have a bright future as a manager for a pro wrestler?
Andrew: [laughs] I think Jon has a bright future in an industry that requires a personality that pushes everyone's buttons and creates great controversy and attention. He is no doubt a master in those skills.

Jill: Andrew, why was the Drake tribe so well fed while you guys couldn't even catch a fish, even after Rupert taught you!
Andrew: We had Rupert on our island for two days. Rupert caught four fish. When Rupert is on his island for two days, Rupert catches thirty fish. Rupert's island is an aquarium. The lagoon on our island had very few fish. Regardless of the fishing skills, if you don't have many fish to catch you're not going to catch any.

kidz_RO: Andrew, how much would you want if Playgirl were to offer?
Andrew: A hundred million dollars.

ROGNA: Jeff seemed a bit angry and disappointed when Osten quit. Did Jeff say anything about Osten that wasn't aired?
Andrew: I believe Jeff made several additional comments about Osten quitting but those comments were very similar to the ones that hit the airwaves.

miranda: Andrew, did anyone from Drake say why they let Shawn go instead of Jon?
Andrew: I learned that the Drakes voted Shawn out instead of Jon because they feared the return of Burton and a resurrection of the Shawn-Burton alliance.

fuzila: Hi Andrew, what is up with Darrah? She seems really withdrawn from the game, or is she just flying under the radar?
Andrew: Darrah was a lot more active than you actually see on television. She had quite a bit more input and interaction with the Morgan tribe. Unfortunately, it's an hour-long television show and CBS can only show so much. Darrah is a great gal, tough as nails and I hope she does well.

ruprules01: You came across as very rude to and dismissive of Ryan S. Is that your motivational style, or was there something else?
Andrew: I'm glad the question was asked. There was never a personality conflict with young Ryan and me. I always thought he was a decent kid. The reality was that young Ryan was in completely over his head. What you didn't see is young Ryan for hours on end lying around the shelter sleeping. We would check on him occasionally and he'd say he felt that he was on his deathbed and only needed three or four hours more sleep. Young Ryan was voted out for his own good. The last point I want to make is that young Ryan claimed I swore at him at the beginning of the game while on the deck of the ship. That is not true. In my twenty-one days on the island I did not swear at a single person, except maybe Jon. Especially two minutes into the game I would not alienate one of my tribemates by using profanity.

cymbals: Great game and you are a good leader. Do you feel you let your team down?
Andrew: I was horribly disappointed when I was voted out. I don't feel there was anything I could have done or said to Lill to convince her not to jump ship and side with the Drakes to vote me out. I gave every ounce of energy I possibly had to help further the Morgan tribe. I do not feel like I let them down.

savagerox: If you had been able to choose the two outcasts to return, who would you have chosen and why?
Andrew: I would have loved to have Michelle and or Trish join the Morgan tribe. They both seemed like strong competitors, great gals that were wrongly ousted from the Drake tribe.

ajdoro: What did your wife think about you doing that challenge naked?
Andrew: When I returned to Chicago I told my wife two things: the first was that I loved her and missed her very much and the second was that I get naked on the first episode. My wife in an interview was asked about the infamous TV guide picture with the red cross blocking out my nudity and to her credit she replied that she was just happy that it was accurately portrayed as a large red x as opposed to a small red x. She supports me in everything I do.

r?nk: Has anybody ever told you that you look like Hugh Hefner?
Andrew: [laughs] No, that's a first for me but I'll take that as a compliment.

DanieuBleau: Did you think it a bit greedy of Burton to try and win the Immunity Challenge, since he was already immune?
Andrew: [laughs] No, I did not think it was greedy. I would have been surprised if Burton had let up in the challenge because he is by nature very competitive.

Xavier: Andrew, if you were Burton, would you give your immunity to others and why?
Andrew: Definitely. If I had the same double immunity that Burton had I would have loved to give one of the immunities to Ryan.

FireyRedTU: Andrew, what was your reaction to seeing Rupert 'pirating' the Morgan tribe's supplies at the very beginning?
Andrew: [laughs] I loved it. Those were my blue inserts that Rupert traded for a pineapple. I had no idea where they went and had actually thought that I'd lost them in the ocean. The theme is piracy and no doubt Rupert is a modern day pirate.

Savage Island: Do you regret getting rid of your strongest woman first by booting Nicole?
Andrew: I don't regret joining in the decision to vote Nicole out. Yes, she seemed to be a physically strong player but her conflict with Tijuana could potentially destroy morale and that effect so early in the game would have been too costly.

S_C_Murtz: Hey Andrew, do you think your experience as a lawyer helped or hurt you in the game?
Andrew: As an attorney for fifteen years, I have rubbed shoulders and met people from every walk of life. The skills and experiences that I take from those relationships definitely proved valuable on Survivor.

ILuvSandra: I love you Andrew! I was really hoping that you would win! Anyway, did that prison break challenge challenge you? It looked like it did.
Andrew: The prison break Challenge was the day after the sandbag weight Challenge. Personally I was still exhausted from the sandbag weight challenge and we didn't have much food nor did we get much sleep. So, yes, the prison break Challenge was very strenuous and exhausting. Running to the beach and gathering the flags definitely wore me out.

SavageLover: Andrew, which survivor would you predict to be the most likely to end up on "The Jerry Springer Show?"
Andrew: [laughs] Great question! It's probably no surprise that I believe Jon would be the most likely candidate because he seems to exhibit deeply dysfunctional characteristics.

ROGNA: How does it feel to have three days of your life condensed into a few pivotal and/or dramatic shots?
Andrew: It's exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. I only wish SURVIVOR were a three hour show instead of one hour simply because great dramas and events unfold that are impossible to show.

DreadPirateSavage: Savage, where did those rain ponchos come from? Sorry to see you go. You were great!
Andrew: Cool, thank you for the great comment. The rain ponchos were part of the Reward Challenge we won when Rupert was with the Morgan tribe. You may recall we won the portable shower, shampoo, soap, water containers and the rain ponchos.

SurvivorJunkie: After watching the show, did you see that the Drake tribe really did throw that one challenge? You didn't think they did.
Andrew: When you're out there on location, everything is very real. I thought it odd that the Drakes chose to sit out Rupert and Burton however, there is a rotation and the rule provides that you can't sit out the same two tribemates in consecutive Challenges. I did not waste the mental energy to try and think who sat out for the Drakes in prior challenges. What I do know is that the five Drakes that participated in that Challenge tried very hard to win. Shawn threw Ryan O. in the water. Michelle grabbed a hold of me and did all she could to get me in the water. So, when Jon came to our camp to pillage and told us they threw the challenge, although I had a slight suspicion that they intended to throw the challenge, I didn't feel that they had ...And let me just say, they don't ask how you win, they ask how many. Drakes won three Immunity Challenges and Morgan won three Immunity Challenges.

Kill_Jon: Andrew, looking back, do you feel that the two tribes were grossly lopsided in favor of Drake?
Andrew: Good question. The great thing about Survivor is that it's a magnified slice of life. As in life you have to play the cards that are dealt you. All that I know is that I was so proud to be part of the Morgan tribe and do what we did when faced with overwhelming adversity.

ROGNA: Have any of your opinions about the people on the show changed after you have seen it aired? If so, how?
Andrew: I would say that my dislike for Little Jon has increased, which was hard for me to imagine. My respect for Tijuana, Darrah, Ryan O. and Osten has increased when I see that the Drake tribe was experiencing the Survivor game while on Club Med.

jcob: Who did you trust the least out of Ryan O, Darrah, T, or Osten?
Andrew: That's a difficult question. I would say I trusted Darrah least--not because of who she is but because I did not know her that well. I felt I knew Ryan O., Tijuana and Osten very well and that the four of us would put out lives on the line for the other. Needless to say, I don't trust Lill anymore.

Mary: Hey Andrew Baby! Canada thinks you rock!! Tell us how you spend your Thursday nights.
Andrew: [laughs] I'm a dedicated family man and watching SURVIVOR on Thursdays is a very personal experience for my family and me. I watch SURVIVOR on Thursdays at home with my wife and two children and plenty of wine.

stokethesavage: Andrew--what did your daughters think of you on the show?
Andrew: My daughters are six years old and three years old. After seeing each episode on Thursday and always want to hug me and sit on my lap for the next hour. They were very excited that their daddy was on television doing the best he could.

ChiTown_Q_T: Andrew, Cubs or White Sox?
Andrew: Cubbys--all the way!

SavageLover: Andrew, you and Rhino had a nice brotherly rapport. Who have you kept in contact with since the show finished taping?
Andrew: The sixteen castaways are not allowed to contact each other until after the finale. I can't wait to reconnect with Ryan O. and the others.

Go_RyanO: Andrew, how much weight did you lose? You still looked pretty good at the end!
Andrew: Thanks for the compliment. I lost about sixteen pounds, which at the beginning of the game I didn't have to lose. Looking back on it maybe I should have had Rupert's big ol' belly for reserves.

SurvivorKrys: Do you agree with Osten's decision to quit the game? Would you have voted for him that night even if he hadn't asked?
Andrew: I did not agree with Osten's decision to quit however, I have not walked a mile in Osten's shoes so I could not begin to understand what he was going through. I hope all of us can appreciate that when a good friend is having a very difficult time you want to support that friend in whatever decision they make. What you didn't see is that Darrah fell ill that day and was struggling. I say this because if Osten had not quit it would come down to who was healthier at Tribal Council: either Osten or Darrah.

r?nk: Did Rupert choose the name "Balboa" for the merged tribe? Did everyone have input in naming the new tribe?
Andrew: I believe Rupert did suggest the name Balboa for the merged tribe however, once the name Balboa was suggested we all took a vote and it was clearly a unanimous decision.

kitkat: How would you feel if Burton or Lill wins the whole million dollars?
Andrew: Sad.

MadDog: Andrew, I know you didn't win the million, but how do you feel about flying to Australia and making love to me non-stop?
Andrew: Name the time, Mad Dog and I'm all yours.

Survivor Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Andrew is up. Andrew, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the Survivor fans?
Andrew: I take full responsibility for everything I did in the Pearl Islands. I have absolutely no regrets. I had an absolute blast and a wonderful adventure. Cheers to Captain Morgan, our namesake!

Ryno's Chat comming soon...

Alot of strategising was going on, ruperts gonna get booted if he looses immunity, jon might be draged into the final 2 and will rupert catch the shark?


Jul 1, 2003
i'm with both u guys...i dont want lil or jon to win...they just dont cut it for me..


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
jon wont win and they know that so dragging him to final 2 is a pretty good strategy. the only person taht would lose against jon would be lil because of the 'outcast' factor chat Transcript with Ryan Opray

Survivor Host: You all have a lot of great questions for Ryan, so let's get begin!! Hey Ryan! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Ryan O: Absolutely!

VoodooPrincess: Ryan, I thought Jon should have gotten the boot, were you surprised to be voted off?
Ryan O: No, I think I knew I had it coming. Of course a lot of people thought Jon should go bye-bye, but he was tight with Burton and whoever else, because it was a landslide: 8-1.

bighair: Your vote for Christa last night seemed personal. What happened between the two of you to provoke that?
Ryan O: Christa, on numerous occasions, would tell me that she was going to vote me off with the rest of them. There was an issue of an orange that she claims that I stole and in reality she ended up eating it. [laughs] But she'd do a lot of underhanded things all the time.

micala: Ryan, were you surprised to find out that Darrah and T voted against you? I thought y'all were close?
Ryan O: I was really surprised. They were my girls, so I was surprised that they voted for me. Understandably, T and I had a little bit of trouble, which wasn't on camera. Andrew, Darrah and I had a sub-alliance and I never told Tijuana about it, so she was a little bit upset. I think that kind of led to the fact that I didn't win immunity. She put two coconuts in my trough. She was a little upset with me. Darrah, on the other hand, I have no idea.

gogogadget: Ryan! Sorry to see you booted. How's your cat? Did you guys have a good reunion?
Ryan O: My cat died a couple of days before I left for the Pearl Islands so unfortunately, there was no reunion and maybe that is why I was so kind to Pelican Pete. I'm an animal lover.

ruprules01: You were adorable with Pelican Pete Ryan! Just how useless was Osten?
Ryan O: Actually, OT did a lot of work, but the camera wasn't going to show it because he complained a lot and you know, I still consider him a friend. He wasn't quite as much of a whiner as everybody thinks he is.

kiweee: Ryan, on the Early Show you said that you and Jeff had a big confrontation. What was that about?
Ryan O: I think it was over one of the Reward Challenges. I think it was the boating one. Trish had hit me in the face with a paddle, and Jeff said he was going to be aggressively watching everyone so we're not hurting each other. I guess I just kind of blew up and started yelling at him because he wasn't really paying attention I guess like he should my opinion.

pelican: Ryan, why didn't you aggressively pursue an alliance after Andrew left?
Ryan O: I actually tried to aggressively pursue an alliance earlier on. Maybe it got edited out or wasn't on camera.

lei: Ryan, what are you doing for Thanksgiving? Would you like to come to my house? I'm making homemade pumpkin pie!
Ryan O: Thanks for the offer but I will be spending Thanksgiving with my family.

RyAnRuLes0nSurvivor: Hey Ryan! You were great on the show! What was your reaction when you found out that two people who had already been voted out were coming back?
Ryan O: When I found out that the Outcast tribe was coming back I was a little upset but with all the twists and turns of Survivor I just kind of had to grin and bear it.

Arrgh: Hey Ryan, I was wondering if it bothered you that people kept calling you Rhino instead of Ryan O?
Ryan O: Actually, my nickname was given to me by a friend years ago and it's Ryno--R-y-n-o--so I wasn't offended.

Workin: What do you think was Morgan's downfall? Why couldn't they get it together?
Ryan O: I think our downfall was the fact that none of us could fish and not everyone could swim so it hurt us in some of the Challenges and we ended up getting behind in them but we ended up making a great comeback.

Michellefan14: Did you have a crush on Nicole? When she was talking, it kind of seemed like you did. Also, who do think is the hottest SURVIVOR ever?
Ryan O: No, absolutely not. I was never attracted to Nicole. She might have thought so, but that wasn't the case. I was more attracted to Darrah. And out of all of them, lookswise--Jesse Comacho.

VoodooPrincess: Ryan, do you have any thoughts on posing for Playgirl?
Ryan O: I think I'll have to take the 5th on that one. [laughs] But you never know.

ceewater: Hi Ryan. What did you think of Lillian's behavior to the Morgans? If you had been voted off earlier and came back, would you have acted the same way?
Ryan O: Actually, the way Lillian played the game at that point was great. We all voted for her so her flip-flopping ensured she stayed in the game. No, if I'd been voted off earlier, I wouldn't have acted that way.

CyberJoeCool: Now that you have been voted out, who are you rooting for?
Ryan O: I'm actually rooting for Darrah. I've got a great respect for how tough the girl is...and I also like her.

lei: Ryan, what was your first thought when you saw Rupert in a skirt the first time?
Ryan O: I actually didn't think a whole lot of it. I had jeans and I couldn't wait to get out of 'em. I'm not the type of person that's going to make fun and laugh at somebody so whatever he does is his business.

rink: Most irritating voice: Christa or Tijuana?
Ryan O: Christa, for sure.

Arrgh: Ryan, being part of the Morgan tribe must have been exasperating. How did you get through it?
Ryan O: Well, I gave 110% and hopefully the bond I made with these people regardless of how we did is going to stay there for a long time. It really wasn't that tough when you have people behind you like that.

mykona: Was Jon a real jerk or did he just play one on TV??
Ryan O: Jon just played one for TV but in reality he was an all right kid.

AmeliaBedelia: Rhino, does Rupert intimidate the others at the camp? Is that why he won immunity last night?
Ryan O: I feel that Rupert does intimidate a few people, but I think he's doing himself an injustice by doing so because he could be perceived as a threat.

leahsmom: Ryan, if you guys wanted Rupert out, why didn't anyone put any coconuts in his trough?
Ryan O: Actually, the others should have done it. I have no idea, really, why they didn't. I'm a little confused on that one but I'm not in their shoes so...oh, well.

pelican: Ryan, what was your funniest moment on the island?
Ryan O: Probably Pelican Pete coming to visit the camp and Osten being so scared of him.

RyAnRuLes0nSurvivor: Hey Ryan! What was your favorite Challenge?
Ryan O: My favorite Challenge was the Sandbag Challenge because we finally proved to everybody that we were physically stronger than the Drake tribe.

WalkThePlankMatey: I read somewhere that you said Osten had holes in his body. Explain this please.
Ryan O: Osten had pus filled holes in his body that needed to be cleaned out regularly. It was pretty disgusting. I'm not exactly sure what it was.

CyberJoeCool: Probst seems to have it in for Jon. Are there any funny/odd moments with these two that the viewers didn't get to see?
Ryan O: Too many to list. Jon and Jeff always were in verbal shouting matches.

califpeacegirl: Ryan--we enjoyed it when your shorts fell down, how much weight did you lose?
Ryan O: I lost about 17 lbs. and thanks for the compliment, I guess. [laughs] What should I say?

queenraw: Were there ever any sparks between you and Darrah?
Ryan O: I think from my point of view, yes, but from hers, no. I wasn't going to cross any boundaries because she has a boyfriend of 2 years and they plan on getting engaged.

booo: Ryan: Who do you think is the most untrustworthy person of the remaining players?
Ryan O: Out of all of 'em I would say Lill, and Jon's a close second.

fiestygirl: Ryan, are you single these days, or has some lucky lady snatched you up?
Ryan O: I'm actually single. I've been single for a while and I'm always looking.

di5c0diva: Ryan, are there any former seasons that really helped you prepare? Whose strategy do you think yours most resembles?
Ryan O: I'd say Ethan strategy-wise, but I didn't quite make it for the full distance like he did.

scooberoo: We never really saw you and Sandra interact. What was your opinion of her?
Ryan O: From the moment that she took the tarp I was a little upset with Sandra. We never really interacted at all.

FireyRedTU: Ryan, how has your family and friends reacted to seeing you on SURVIVOR, especially with that nude Challenge?
Ryan O: Everyone has been totally supportive of me. All my friends and family love to watch the show but I'm sure they're a little upset that I got voted off. As far as the nude Challenge--nobody even questioned it, [laughs], because they know me.

Castaway: Hello Ryan. Who was the stinkiest out there??
Ryan O: Rupert was by far the stinkiest, but also the hardest working.

BillyRinNC: Ryan, what has surprised you the most from the show episodes you have seen since leaving?
Ryan O: I think the editing of me has been really favorable and not so kind to some others. [laughs]

SupaDupa: Ryan, do you think Rupert and Jon got too much airtime, compared to the Morgans?
Ryan O: I think Andrew and I and Rupert seem to get the most airtime actually, and Jon not as much as I thought he would.

Beheboho: Ryan, which outcasts did you hope would come back? Were you happy with Lill and Burton?
Ryan O: I was hoping that Burton and Michelle were going to come back, with Burton coming back to the Morgan Tribe and Michelle going to Drake.

GoDrake: Ryan is there anyone you would not like to speak with after the show ends, or will it all be water under the bridge?
Ryan O: I actually want to speak with everybody just to get a feel for some of the people's attitudes toward me.

scooberoo: Why weren't you expecting a merge?
Ryan O: At the time all of us were so run down and beat up that we didn't care what happened next just as long as something happened. We didn't think it was going to be a merge--we thought it would be a twist. OustLil: Ryan, what was the biggest difference when you got to the Drake camp after the merge?
Ryan O: The biggest difference for me and for the rest of the Morgans was the abundance of fish and food.

leahsmom: Did anyone get sick after that feast?
Ryan O: I actually threw up after the feast because at the Keel Hauling Challenge I hit my head three times in a row and might have gotten a concussion. Eating all that food just made me sick.

happyface: Did the Morgans ever talk about an alliance with Rupert after he visited with you?
Ryan O: Andrew might have spoken to Rupert about an alliance but I let Andrew do all the work because he has better communication skills than I do. I'm not sure that there was talk of an alliance.

di5c0diva: Ryan, why did you try out for SURVIVOR? Have you ever tried out for another show?
Ryan O: I actually applied for AMAZING RACE and I was an alternate for SURVIVOR: AFRICA. SURVIVOR's the best one, so that's why I wanted to be on the show.

LttlMouse: Was everyone surprised when Rupert gave away the reward breakfast?
Ryan O: I think everyone was pretty shocked that Rupert would do that because he liked to eat so much. He might have thought it'd help strategically though.

Zaius: What was your strategic plan after Andrew was voted out?
Ryan O: To try to convince Burton, Little Jon, Tijuana and Darrah to get rid of Rupert, Christa, Sandra and Lill, but to no avail.

Rabkun: Who was the original person you planned to boot in episode 1 before Nicole made herself a target?
Ryan O: Ryan Shoulders was actually on the chopping block until Nicole started running her mouth.

rooroorupert: Ryan--who would your partner have been in Amazing Race?
Ryan O: My friend Brent was supposed to be my partner on the show, but he actually flaked at the last minute.

JeffsSpecial: Do you guys ever have contact with Jeff Probst besides Challenges and Tribal Council?
Ryan O: No, we don't have any contact with Jeff during the game except for at Challenges and Tribal Council.

nativegal24: Ryan, are you glad you were on SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS or in retrospect do you wish you had been on SURVIVOR: AFRICA?
Ryan O: Actually, I'm really glad I was chosen for SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS. It was a great cast, crew and the island was beautiful.

rynorules: Why didn't you give Ryan S. more of a chance?
Ryan O: What a lot of people didn't see is Ryan after Challenges laying around, not pulling his weight at the Challenges or at camp life. We actually did give him a second chance being that Nicole was first voted off and not him.

Splotchie: Are you aware that public perception is that laziness led to the Morgan downfall? Do you agree?
Ryan O: No, absolutely not. At Morgan we worked out butts off when necessary. The downfall came because of the twist. Before the twist we were even five to five, so we were only going up at that point.

Skylark: Did you bring back any souvenirs with you, and if yes, what are they?
Ryan O: I actually came back with a bamboo cup that we used to pour water into our canteen.

crazy4survivor: Ryan, will you go back to your regular job or will you pursue something new with your newfound celebrity?
Ryan O: I would actually like to maybe get into acting, modeling or something of that sort, but my old job is great also.

Survivor Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Ryan is up. Ryan, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?
Ryan O: Keep watchin' the show. It'll only get better from here on in. Thanks for all your support.

~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
awwww savage and ryan O are my favourites!!! *sobs* damnit....and whats with the 'playgirl/playboy' question in EVERY SINGLE transcript!!!


May 15, 2003
Darrah and T voted for Ryan O? What a crock!

Though you could tell T was starting to get along with Rupert in the first episode.


May 15, 2003
I'm starting warm up to Darrah, she's got guts. I hope she makes it.


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
lol she probably would i mean unless the task involves embalming a pereson shes not gonna win immunity and ppl who will be voted out here on in are the physical and mental threats.


May 15, 2003
So who do you reckon is next then? T or Darrah? Or someone else.

~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
U can neva tell! knowing survivor somethings usually gon na chnage, and the preview of next weeks episode showed somehting about a new aliance between the outcasters and the ex-morgans

~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
john should go!!!! argh!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it...JOHN OVER SAVAGE!!!!! :(

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