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  1. 0

    bad school good ranks VS good school bad ranks

    Cohort is the body of students in your year. Your year (or cohort) might be stronger than last years, I think that's what he was getting at. So anyway, I was reading the "All About Your ATAR" thing and it reckons your school rank doesn't matter?
  2. 0

    Why would one do general math?

    lol @oasfree, my sister is a Primary School teacher and she did General Maths. Not because she couldn't do 2U but because she didn't need it. I give her crap about it all the time, though.
  3. 0

    All nighter on BoS on dec16th from those results you can sorta gauge your ATAR right? Else I don't see what the fuss about the 16th is :/
  4. 0

    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    So results are released at 6am? Do texts also go out at 6? Also, this ain't your ATAR right? That's 17th innit?
  5. 0

    Most annoying book of all time

    - Twilight series - The Harp in the South Also screw whoever said that, Huck Finn is awesome. Fail. The Torah (Old Testament) is part of the Bible.
  6. 0

    Post your results here...

    Following on from this. Mathematics: 74/77 - 96% Did my English speech today...I suck so bad at giving speeches, I didn't look up once even though it's my damn HSC. Also I speak too fast during them so it ended up being 2:43 (2 secs under minimum) even though it was 3:00 in practice.
  7. 0

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Working for my gap year (hopefully full-time, or maybe 3 days a week). EB Games? Hells yeah. Any electronics joint would be awesome. And hopefully after my gap year I've figured out what I wanna do in Uni. Minimum ATAR is 75 (BA is my fallback), would be happy (and not selling myself short)...
  8. 0

    Post your results here...

    Hmm interesting, teacher has marked Questions 1/2 for Maths and I got 100% for those sections. Pretty sure I made the most downie mistake in 3 though, fail at dividing 12 by 6.
  9. 0

    are you over subjects/teachers????

    Sounds like my Eco teacher. All we do is summarize chunks of the book as well. English, because it's English. Although my teacher is fair good. Maths, because it's the end of term and I don't wanna start anything new.
  10. 0

    Do you need to be 18+ to go to Schoolies?

    No, anyone can go and make a disgrace of themselves and launch acid at a gutter, yes.
  11. 0

    Strong and effective climate change policy, that doesn't involve a great, big new tax

    Re: Strong and effective climate change policy, that doesn't involve a great, big new Why not? Introduce incentives for people to 'go green' instead of throwing money at the polluters (for what? Nothing will change).
  12. 0

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%) 2. Seventh Day Adventist (88%) 3. Orthodox Quaker (83%) 4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%) 5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (73%) 6. Jehovah's Witness (73%) 7. Eastern Orthodox (73%) 8. Roman...
  13. 0

    Should police have any powers that ordinary citizens don't?

    Oh can you please shut up? When was the last time your rights were abused by a police officer? Oh, never? Yeah, go listen to your rap garbage some more.
  14. 0

    Post your results here...

    Hopefully getting Maths back tomorrow. Total of 4 assessments by time I knock off for the holidays. Not sure what to think about Maths, probably made heaps of silly mistakes (nobody had time to check it). Modern was alright, coulda done better. English speech I am pleased with, although I need...
  15. 0

    How comprehensive should my notes be?

    Oh I can. Just wondering if its normal to have this much.
  16. 0

    Hey Anna, is there any tips you can give me for Modern History in terms of writing essays and...

    Hey Anna, is there any tips you can give me for Modern History in terms of writing essays and just general study tips? It's probably my strongest subject yet this girl is currently beating me (I'm sitting at 2nd). She's a really good essay writer. Any help would be appreciated :)
  17. 0

    How comprehensive should my notes be?

    So at the moment my class has nearly finished WWI Core Study (currently doing the Armistice; point 4 of the syllabus). So keeping this in mind, my study notes (using the syllabus) is currently 26 pages long. It will only get bigger once we get this last topic down. Is this too big? Will it be...
  18. 0

    How do you beat naturally smart people?

    May as well ask how you work hard. Anyone? ...honestly.
  19. 0

    What are your aims for these holidays?

    - Finish up my study notes/summarise the ones that are already completed - Read English texts - Read texts for History Extension - Start a draft for History Extension - Go ahead/consolidate Mathematics knowledge - Complete any homework assignments - Get my P's And have a hell of a lot of...
  20. 0

    APEC or EU

    EU has like 27 doesn't it? I'm guessing APEC. EDIT: No APEC only has 21, so EU it is.