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  1. 0

    Sure that sounds really good. How will we do this?

    Sure that sounds really good. How will we do this?
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    Linking phrases for glossary of key words

    Thanks. Printing that out.
  3. 0

    I need an Atar 78+. What ranks do I need?

    Bump. Would be nice to know since I'm also aiming for a BA. Nearly same subjects but replace Accounting and Gen. Maths with Modern History and Mathematics.
  4. 0

    Maintaining your Year 11 rankings...

    People trying harder? Weird, considering since Year 12 has started I've noticed a bunch more people truanting since they have their P's, not just the idiots as well.
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    General maths.

    Why do people seem to think maths and school are synonymous?
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    Help - "Using Source X and your own knowledge..." Questions

    Would also like to know any tips. Bump.
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    Which subject/s do you bludge most in?

    Self-explanatory. Yes I know it's year 12 but you can't keep vigilant the whole time >.< For me it would have to be either IPT or English. Bludge the least in Mathematics, sit by myself (of my own accord).
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    White Australia

    Thank you. I've never subscribed to the whole "Black Armband" view on Australian history.
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    Should we raise the drinking age?

    Yes, they can still get it, but they will have to stay away from clubs, no? There is at least some merit to it.
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    How often do they do this?

    So I was reading about English Paper I and II, and it said that the most common form they ask us to write in is essay, but they can also ask for a debate, speech, etc. How often do they actually do that, if ever? Is it likely they will?
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    Measuring Intelligence

    Yes, you can answer questions in a million different ways in English, but it can also be interpreted in a million different ways. Way too subjective to be an accurate measure.
  12. 0

    Dumb kid good marks

    A kid of average intelligence would receive average marks, no?
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    Should we raise the drinking age?

    yeaaah just lost all credibility. Should have made an option for I don't care what age it is....Not a major stepping stone to me, doesn't really open up any more opportunities.
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    Should we raise the drinking age?

    I didn't state my position now did I? This is just an ongoing debate. Having said that I don't really care what age it is.
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    Should we raise the drinking age?

    Given the increase in alcohol-related violence, do you think it's high time we raised the drinking age back to 21?
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    Criminal Krudd to hand over our wealth

    Opposition should oppose it outright, at least that way they won't be tainted come next election. Lack of effective conservatives ftl. Barnaby Joyce is the only one I trust.
  17. 0

    The public behaviour of youths of 'middle-eastern appearance'

    lol we roll out the carpet enough as it is. We have more entertainment options then any other time in human history, it's obviously a deeper cultural problem, obviously not isolated to any specific race, but a breakdown of morals over the past 50 years or so.
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    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Teh epic generalisation. Has that ever happened to you personally? No. Get off your high horse plzkthx.
  19. 0

    General maths.

    People who will get 99+ naturally gravitate towards the higher scaling subjects anyway, they scale better since they're harder, obviously >.<
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    stuffing up assessments

    Isn't hard. Not sure if this is right, but you're internal assessment is worth 50% of your HSC. So his 15% is out of his 100%. You only take half of that 100% so 7.5%. You have 5 subjects going into your ATAR, so divide by 5. Oops why did I only divide by 2... anyway yeah.