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  1. 0

    New Senior Mathematics?

    Where can I buy this book by J.B Fitzpatrick? I haven't seen it in any of the major bookstores. Heard it's a very good book. Anyone know where I could pick one up?
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    Who else has no motivation?

    Everyone's starting to adopt the whole dog eat dog attitude now.
  3. 0

    why english is compulsary

    Too bad they don't even teach spelling and/or grammar in senior English.
  4. 0

    Help with Ideas for Major Work

    Chinese cultural revolution maybe?
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    why english is compulsary

    English is the art of bullshitting. You need to know how to bullshit when you go for job interviews.
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    P&F? Parents and Fucktards?
  7. 0


    Did you get jackets?
  8. 0

    Question on the Proposal and Logbook.

    What should we include in our proposal? Like actual content (ie. what happened) or what we wish to include? and for the logbook, what does it have to look like? Do I pretty much just put a date down and what I did/bibliography/ideas/etc.?
  9. 0

    History Ext MP

    I'm tossing up between either Erwin Rommel (how he has been portrayed through history) or the portrayal of war throughout history (ie. memorialisation, militarism, etc. probably would have to settle on a single society though). What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards Rommel right now.
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    History Ext MP

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    Who else has no motivation?

    I picked 'em all myself :/ Yeah I think right now it's just keeping up on your note/summaries more than anything.
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    hirohito - war criminal or naive puppet

    Does it conflict with the 2U syllabus though?
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    Who else has no motivation?

    lol nothing would ever get done if it wasn't for the last moment.
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    Who else has no motivation?

    lol Farmville. Modern Warfare 2 is like the ultimate distraction, if only I finished the HSC this year :/
  15. 0


    Just getting my last name. Can't be bothered making up something that I'll probably facepalm at later on in life. Ours are being ordered in like week 7-8 or something. Due to be in first term next year.
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    Who else has no motivation?

    -may-cat- :wub: Also, thanks for your input ekoolish. You'll definitely be in my acceptance speech for dux next year man.
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    Who else has no motivation?

    I know but I feel so freaking lazy. Hope everyone else is so complacent :P EDIT: So nobody really does the whole 1 hour/subject a week?
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    Who else has no motivation?

    There's just no sense of urgency. Find it really hard to sit and study right now.
  19. 0

    Maintaining your Year 11 rankings...

    Very true. Noticed an increase in the amount of people organising truanting, etc. But yeah, some people from Junior years that were average have come up a fair bit, including me, admittedly.