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  1. 0

    Anyone doing both maths and english extensions together atm?

    I have a friend who does MX1 and EX2. Seems to cope, then again MX2 is a whole 'nother story.
  2. 0

    why english is compulsary

    On this topic, how many of you actually believe the thesis that you draw from your texts? I sure as hell don't lol
  3. 0

    why english is compulsary

    Good. Sick of hearing Today Tonight complain about today's students poor spelling/grammar.
  4. 0

    So what Related texts are you using?

    Different AOS though?
  5. 0

    Competition at your school

    Amen. That whole "Hermione" tone really pisses me off.
  6. 0

    So what Related texts are you using?

    The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger (v. good text) Diptych - Robert Gray (weak) Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood dir. (good)
  7. 0

    English School Certificate in 17hours and 20 mins...

    lol, chill. SC matters less than the piss you flush down the toilet.
  8. 0

    Competition at your school

    Sadly, I am Kid 2 sometimes...mostly with subjects like English though, don't really mind helping people with maths, and me and friends quiz each other on Modern. Well, I'm only Kid 2 with people I know are competitive, which is like my best friend and about 6% of the school.
  9. 0

    Robert Gray poems?

  10. 0

    Tips, Tricks and Advice for the HSC

    This is awesome, can never get enough advice.
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    When do you study?

    Do you even do your homework? By the time I've finished all my homework/finsihing off bits of classwork there ain't much time to review my notes... Do you include homework as part of study?
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    Students who do Economics and Legal Studies!

    For Eco I just read the Business/Finance section in the paper. Not really for study, but out of interest/habit. Read the paper most days.
  13. 0

    Is school certificate really important

    What. the. fuck. Stop acting like its a huge thing. It's the damn SC, I didn't study and got full Band 5's :/ Seriously, chill, play some WoW while you have the freaking time, be a kid for as long as you can.
  14. 0

    History Extension HSC who's ready????

    Hmm what does the Hist. Ext. paper look like? What's this about remembering historians? Do they ask a question from the readings booklet? Can they ask about any reading or do you choose what one to write about?
  15. 0

    Robert Gray poems?

    Anyone know where I can find the actual text for Robert Gray's poems? I've looked at my school library and I can only find study guides, which oddly don't contain the actual poem. Can't find anything on the net. In particular I'm looking for 'North Coast Town' and 'Diptych'. Any help would be...
  16. 0

    Started making notes for the HSC?

    Well thats a given, but syllabus notes are pointless, right?
  17. 0

    Started making notes for the HSC?

    Hmm how do you make notes for English? Do you follow the syllabus? I didn't even think about making notes for English (the syllabus is full of so much convoluted garbage I didn't think it would be very worthwhile, and there really isn't a whole lot of content anyway). I thought it would be just...
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    Can anyone give me an outline of the year in terms of stuvac? Do we get any before the trials or are they run like the prelims were in Year 11? How much do we get before the HSC?
  19. 0

    which study guide is better: macquarie or excel?

    Excel next gen? Did they release them across the board or only for the sciences? If so I might look into picking up the Eco one.