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  1. 0

    Handwritten VS Typed

    Handwrite in class (obviously)....type em up at home. Handwrite everything for English.
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    If we bludged in Prelim: Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Society and Culture

    As in Year 10? Your profile says HSC 2011, are you an accelerant?
  3. 0

    If we bludged in Prelim: Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Society and Culture

    Epic idea. In regards to bludging (afaik): Eco: Doesn't matter really, though good to have the concepts down pat. Physics: Again, just the concepts. Chem: Lol S&C: No idea
  4. 0

    Modern game

    1975 - Vietnam war ends with North Vietnam victory (re-unification). 1916. EDIT: When is the Modern test? (no I am not doing the Modern test this year...HSC 2010 lol)
  5. 0

    I got 81.00, and did nothing all year.

    lol if you got 81 with no study, imagine what you could get WITH study. Fail.
  6. 0

    Study patterns

    Dude how can you manage to study? Unless study includes general homework and finishing off classwork...I have like 4 hours of homework alone a night, I don't know how it takes so long...I really don't procrastinate much and there isn't much work to do.
  7. 0

    Started making notes for the HSC?

    QFT. I came 2nd in the Prelim Maths 2U exam and now I am as pumped as ever to beat this chick who is coming 1st.
  8. 0

    removal of time limits on exams

    Well think about it this way, people who are gonna fail an exam and don't know the material/what they're on about will fail either way (time limit or no time limit), but with a time limit it's possible for people who do know their stuff to fall through the cracks.
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    On the day of HSC results, what is given to us?

    Do you receive that prior to receiving your ATAR? Is that how you can calculate your ATAR with SAM?
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    Dropping to General?

    So I got 2nd in my class in 2U Prelim. with 88.5% Think I'm keeping it ^_^
  11. 0

    Tips and Help Please :)

    Syllabus notes and past papers is my plan. Hope it works.
  12. 0

    Start of HSC Thoughts: Motivated? Not Motivated?

    Re: cbf I dunno, your excessive font size and full stop seems to suggest some degree of effort.
  13. 0

    Starting Year 12

    @youngminii: You sir, have impecable logic.
  14. 0

    The most bad-ass videogame character

    Solid Snake fer sure.
  15. 0

    Dropping to General?

    lol I actually found Calc. so far to be quite straight-forward. Then again it's only Introductory >.> but w/e, my friend in 3U was freaking out about Calc.
  16. 0

    senior science: which one to choose?

    Easier? Out of the three there, probably Bio. But if you take into account Senior Science, then from what I hear it's the easiest. Chem is probaly the hardest, followed by Physics then Bio.
  17. 0

    Dropping to General?

    so my marks aren't 'shit'? I think I could improve if I was more consistent with study, it's just remembering all the little things.
  18. 0

    Dropping to General?

    Ok so I've done 2U for the Prelim. year, and I've been getting 70-75's which I guess isn't too bad, but I've been reading about General and I think I could get in the high 90's there and I'm seriously torn right now as to what to do. Do you think my marks are good enough to continue? PS...