Search results

  1. wrxsti

    Computer Upgrade

    anyone know a good place to take your computer and get it upgraded by professionals? how much would that cost? and included like a nivida geforce 8800? wanting to run ut3 and cod4 well. Can they upgrade your computer in 1 day?
  2. wrxsti

    5.1 surround sound question

    no probz, btw wen i first saw hdtv...watching the news i could clearly see the make-up on both the women and men reporters....ive got foxtel now (not the IQ2) so i got shitty picture viewing.
  3. wrxsti

    5.1 surround sound question

    The ad was just a reference, dont ever buy anything from DSE, biggest rip-offs! a small room.....and you dont want the full experience of a large room with 40" HDTV and watching should do very good!
  4. wrxsti

    5.1 surround sound question best possible sound you can receive is with this optical cable. Combine with HDMI and its as sweet as gold.
  5. wrxsti

    Armed Bank robber shot dead by Guards

    At first i did condemn the guards choice of firing....its only money ffs and its not even urs! but the fact that the armed robber was running towards him and then aimed the gun (although that event is somewhat obscure, but if that was the fact)...i would have done the same thing. <--- Lebanese...
  6. wrxsti

    business / engineering at UTS

    I have a HD average!
  7. wrxsti

    Armed Bank robber shot dead by Guards

    If it was a police officer that fired the fatal blow, this whole story might not be so up-scaled.......but an armour guard pfft.
  8. wrxsti

    Armed Bank robber shot dead by Guards

    The only intelligent and factual comment in this whole thread! Edit: He was already dead when they dumped him (which makes it even more disgustingly pathetic) - especially from a lebanese mentality that 'bros stick together'...
  9. wrxsti

    Games thread!

  10. wrxsti

    Games thread!

    under the games thread it says "any console", to be more accurate it should be "any platform". cheers
  11. wrxsti

    Co-op bookshop voucher!

    bought a book for like $120, wanted to refund, they wouldnt, so they gave me a voucher and then bought a book for like $34. although the voucher has like $86.xx something cents, cbf looking
  12. wrxsti

    Co-op bookshop voucher!

    anyone want a $86 co-op bookshop voucher? price = $75...fuuny i know
  13. wrxsti


  14. wrxsti

    job search!

    anyone know a well paying electronics store that doesnt pay by commisions that i can apply for?
  15. wrxsti

    NSW Fire Brigade

    Mainly rescuing trapped people from cars and containing vehicle oil leaks.
  16. wrxsti


  17. wrxsti

    Is Tafe For The Dumb

    major LOL!......why, cause alot of my friends didnt even get a UAI (cheated in trial exams) and got into uni through uws. Why would a possible-electrican want to go to uni instead of getting his/her qualification from tafe. Depends on your desires.
  18. wrxsti


    maybe not entirely correct, because when my family finished building our house, our electrican did a fucken shit-ass job with the coaxial cable wiring in the house, so wen optus came in to connect internet and cable tv, they were like wtf!! and he told us its a big job to fix it and dont worry...
  19. wrxsti

    NSW Fire Brigade