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  1. wrxsti

    External hard-drive!

    hey guys, i want to purchase an external hard-drive, though i dont know if i should get a portable one or not, as i think the portable ones dont need a power socket to operate. I heard the seagate ones are the best? what do you think. i want to use the hard-drive for mainly saving everything i...
  2. wrxsti

    Chemistry/Biology tutor WANTED.

    Micheals a good tutor, and he only charges $20 an hour. :axedeath:
  3. wrxsti

    The Coles Thread

  4. wrxsti

    General engineering information

  5. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    well said! i think im tipping past that point, when it happens, i cant wait :D
  6. wrxsti

    Schapelle Corby: Innocent or Guilty- Your final verdict

    schapelle corby is guilty [close thread]. her dads a druggo, her brothers a druggo, her sisters a druggo, schapelle corby is a druggo! end of story
  7. wrxsti

    The Coles Thread

    COLES ROCKS! im d only guy that works at the registers (check-outs), and ive got like 15 chicks to muck around wif. :D nah but seriously....'Ciel' should i ask to be transferred to stacking shelves, im really getting sick of the customer service bullshit! like for some1 like me who others...
  8. wrxsti

    General engineering information

    For UTS:
  9. wrxsti

    From Hanson to Camden: Australia’s racist shame

    cry baby, seems your the head leader of the group called "beating down lebs on the internet , cause in real life we are fucken cowards".
  10. wrxsti

    Pizza Hut Delivery Boy?

    No dimwit! Dominoes supplies a car if you wish, however the rates hr/$ per delivery will be higher if you use your own car. My bro was a delivery driver for almost a year, he quit after many late night robberies, people balaclava clad, pulling out knives for a free pizza and $30 in change coins.
  11. wrxsti

    Christian preachers face arrest for passing out leaflets in Muslim neighbourhood

    This statement is the most misinterpreted quranic verse by the muslims themselves in my opinion. All these muslim suicide bombers, thinking they are true martyrs, when in reality they portray the route of hell. The Quran clearly condemns the killing of innocent humans, which is exactly what...
  12. wrxsti

    Christian preachers face arrest for passing out leaflets in Muslim neighbourhood

    lol, whenever a little piece of media depicts islam, its posted on BOS. very very say people, you guys are insecure about your own religion, trying to make yourselves feel good about your religion when you degrad Islam. We know we are the most powerful religion in faith, and sadly you guys...
  13. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    if your still a full-time student then they shouldnt charge you any fees. When i turned 18, they started charging me fees, assumming i finished school. I went to the bank explained to them im a full-time uni student and they scraped the fees.
  14. wrxsti

    having usb problems help!

    i bought a 'Song 4GB" usb from officeworks for $27, bloody works awesome.
  15. wrxsti

    'Friends' TV Show

    ive got all the friends seasons (1-10), :D
  16. wrxsti

    B Eng to B Eng/B BUS

    Nope, engineering at UTS is really a 4 year teaching course, plus additional 1 year for the internships which make it 5 years. However doing a double degree entitles you not to engage in the internships which make it a 5 year course for a double degree. B Engineering/B Business is 5 years -...
  17. wrxsti

    B Eng to B Eng/B BUS

    are you being serious? your getting my hopes up
  18. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    wat! are you trying to be cool?
  19. wrxsti

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    :spam: clearly jealous! even though i aint one of them, we get better pussy then you, and you just cant handle it. :cool:icraig88: i really have a small penis, i ridicule others with small penis comments cause i have body issues.