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  1. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    i hate it when i finish scanning all the items, and then the customer says "whats the damage", FFS is was funny the first time, now i hear it all the time.
  2. wrxsti

    B Eng to B Eng/B BUS

    I transferred from uws engineering to uts engineering and am doing 3 subjects this semester not 4 (uts screwed me over. lol). I was thinking of doing a combined degree with engineering to include Business. How hard will it be considering its an internal course transfer to add it mid-year...
  3. wrxsti

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    and i get banned for spamming...
  4. wrxsti

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    AND..........we "Australians" are not racist! pfft edit: every comment was racially motivated! I really admire people like 'hiphophooray123', little wimpy nerds behind a computer, trying to attack and degrad a 16 year-old knowing that an 11 year old will wipe his face with dirt in real human...
  5. wrxsti

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    yeah... and you think 'the backstreet boyz' were the best band alive, clear your head you fucking moron!
  6. wrxsti

    New Gta

    When then your mother sucks cocks while she forces you to watch. ....Is that why you came out isolated and depressed....sad little boy, you just have to look at your sig, it sickens us...pathetic asshole.
  7. wrxsti

    UNSW or USYD

    The bloke is a fucken retard! leave him alone.
  8. wrxsti

    New Gta

    yeh mate! ill conduct a drive-by shooting at your house as a friendly gesture! :rofl:
  9. wrxsti

    New Gta

    mother told me: "People that insult you, are really jealous of you!" :ninja:
  10. wrxsti

    UNSW or USYD

    I go UTS for engineering. ALL you have to know is that UNSW is ranked No.1 in engineering in AUstralia and like 12th world-wide, so what do you reckon is the best uni for engineering?
  11. wrxsti

    New Gta

    does it have online play...that would be soo cool, going around and knowing every character in the street was someone playing on the computer like you, make gangs and shit...would be cool anyways. bye
  12. wrxsti

    Happy Birthday Israel! The end
  13. wrxsti

    Chemistry Lab report

    I was just wondering how you write a chemistry lab report? Is it just writing the results and discussion? Or do we write aim, method, etc.. all over again (NOTE aim,method was provided already)
  14. wrxsti

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    P.S. lol Omium is banned
  15. wrxsti

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Ditto Your troll? critcising Omium, Maniella and Taco whilst leaving Aryan alone highlights your biased perception. Aryan Beauty = Your troll. Ya mean this or those camps where you tell Israeli kids they are the greatest civilisation...
  16. wrxsti

    'Friends' TV Show

    I always thought that this show was stupid, until i sat down and actually watched a couple episodes, and now im HOOKED! like a teenage crackhead on coke. Everytime the show is on, i get so excited! anyways its starting to sound like im having sex..... JOEY ROCKS! Edit: Anyone know where you...
  17. wrxsti


    anyone know where i can download the seasons/series of the tv show 'friends', i tried on limewire but couldnt find anything. anyhelp, cheers
  18. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    i LOVE doing that!
  19. wrxsti

    Top of UTS!

    is there anyway to get on the roof of uts LOL. I could imagine me friday night after uni, having a drink and ciggy...mmmmm