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  1. wrxsti

    changing lanes

    most of the time when i want to change lanes, i dont use my indicator at all, cause when i turn my indicator on, you can see in the mirror the cars start to speed up and close the gap, fucking morons. so i just do a dangerous, no signal change of lanes, works perfectly and you can sit back...
  2. wrxsti

    Down syndrome girl has cosmetic surgery

    although i disagree with cosmetic surgery! your statement was pathetic man, so if you had a grandma that was in her 80's or 90's, and she gets very ill, DONT bother taking her to the hospital, shes nearing her age and shes going to die soon theres no point. sad.......indeed
  3. wrxsti

    police radar detectors!!

    yeh i remember, long time ago, they were going to use them on the highways, so its like there are speed cameras kilometres long, heard this on the news a while back. have they actually introduced them? havnt seen any yet.
  4. wrxsti

    police radar detectors!!

    to distressed to tell us that she spent a shit load of money on a piece of shit!
  5. wrxsti

    Please help - Civil Engineers @ UNSW

    just go to the Lab on Wednesday, and when they dont call your name in the roll-call, just say that your registered on 'myunsw' and then they will add your name on the list, it might happen again for the next class, do the same thing and then after that, you will be allocated to that class...
  6. wrxsti

    physics and maths

    your a bloody straight out, without even maths 2 unit, your going to struggle really really hard, your best bet is to take up 2 unit maths, or your willing to work your ass off in the maths component in uni. Go to UNSW cause they are bullshitters like doink, they'll bullshit you...
  7. wrxsti

    10000 bc

    ITS A BLOODY MOVIE! things dont have to be real or represent facts of life, if that was the case, then every movie was a fucken piece of shit!. btw thx inner child for the spoiler ;)
  8. wrxsti

    10000 bc

    fuck, where sense of imagination! Awesome MOVIE! ( i give 4.5 to 5 star)
  9. wrxsti

    changing lanes

    I hate when people indicate to change lanes, and when they change and are on the lane, they dont turn off the indicator, so FFS, it makes the traffic behind him go crazy, especially when its a massive truck or bus. WORST DRIVERS ON THE ROADS: 5) Oldies 4) Females 3) Asians 2) Asian females...
  10. wrxsti

    Liar, Liar, Tyres on Fire

    In addition its compulsory to have 'third party insurance'.
  11. wrxsti

    Liar, Liar, Tyres on Fire

    Even if L's drivers are driving at the speed limit, its just an instinct for someone to overtake or become aggressive towards the 'learner'. I guess they get offended! :lol:
  12. wrxsti

    Liar, Liar, Tyres on Fire

    Lol, what this leb guy is going to do (speaking from relatives/cousins/general public experience) is take his car to get assessed and repaired by the most expensive repair shop, you end up paying the big bucks, while he then goes to his friend/cousin and gets the car fixed for free or much much...
  13. wrxsti

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    nah seriously though, at the age of 16 and your on your L's, thats crazy, even when i was 16 i couldnt believe i was allowed to drive, we should adopt the american style. Age 18 or 21, i forget. We should also adopt 'capital punishment' for serial/child murderers. Where the last statement...
  14. wrxsti

    changing lanes

    thats exactly what you do, so it makes the instructor think your very cautious. It got me my P's that way :o . Im just a nerd driver now, i dont even want to go for my full licence(unrestricted licence) cause i think i dont really need those extra points. Its 1 way you know your getting old.
  15. wrxsti

    Uts Vs Syd Vs Nsw Software Eng

    wtf, weirdo
  16. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    you know..i really hate customers that throw there money on the bench, i always say should i throw their change on the bench aswell, but then i think...nah im better then that and all the negative complications that can arise with that action, so i back down. But i really like customers when...
  17. wrxsti

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    and you know how?.....
  18. wrxsti

    Laptop wont turn on??

    Did they charge you?
  19. wrxsti

    Uts Vs Syd Vs Nsw Software Eng

    What a f""KEN RETARD! The idiot actually believed that my purpose of pursing an engineering degree was because of the prison break character... damn, proves you have no brain capacity! Why would i go to USYD/UNSW if my interests were in UTS. Doesnt make sense why i would do...
  20. wrxsti

    B Engineering Roll Call?

    Name: classified... Course: B Engineering(civil)(structural) Dip Eng Prac Year: 2nd