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    Homosexuality in Australia

    I'm saying that you, too, are a raper!
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    31,000 Scientists sign petition to dispute 'Man-Caused Warming'

    hey if we can only convince 100% of scientists to sign a petition disputing the laws of Gravity, we could fly around weightless for a day (then they could sign another one to bring it back) i love science!
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    You're an idiot.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    Geoffrey Leonard believes that he is "true to God" (he's Anglican)
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    What do your teachers think of us???

    nah official and reliable BoS moderator me121 tells us that plagiarism in the HSC is fine so you should go ahead and do it
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    What Exactly Do Girls Look For In Guys?

    aren't stereotypes only stereotypes in the first place because they apply to most people?
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    i thought u were all muslim :s
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    really? but you're still all the same rite?
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    isn't sri lanka part of india?
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    it probably won't happen until you meet your arranged husband :D
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    Anal sex.

    Listen to this man.
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    Police can now use Stun Guns

    cops tasering welfare cheats after hacking their bank accounts what is the world coming to? :(
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    Does God exist?

    You need to distinguish between 'theists' and 'people who are up to date with the latest biblical scholarship' :D
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    Does God exist?

    Yeah I think we've demonstrated pretty well that once you have a set of beliefs that must be true it's easy to make up ad hoc explanations (especially when the beliefs are supernatural) to explain away any problems... at least in your own mind
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    Does God exist?

    It's especially difficult to become holy if the machinery that god supposedly invented doesn't work right while you're still an embryo and you come out all fucked up looking :D
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    Does God exist?

    As long as God's plan allows for a margin of error of around hbar/2 then he should be alright
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    What is so good about being a virgin?

    so you deprive yourself of the physical aspect until after marriage then after marriage you still don't get the physical aspect :D
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    How good are your teachers?

    most schools are getting whiteboards now since chalk dust is supposedly a health hazard i'd rather use whiteboard markers than chalk anyway.... back to teaching :o
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    Does God exist?

    Was smallpox part of God's will?
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    Dating Religious Girl

    quick - someone convert her!