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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    So should 2 people who come together in God's name be able to have their prayers answered? Or am I interpreting this wrong? :s
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    Isn't there a verse somewhere in the Bible that says your prayers will always be answered, and another that says Jesus will appear before you if you ask him to? Matthew 18:19 i think "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by...
  3. C

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Obviously There are people all thru Europe, South America and Asia who are hard working, educated or at least value education, will have kids but instead of bringing them in where they'd make more of the ridiculously easy life in Australia we encourage...
  4. C

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Maybe the problem is Australian culture then.
  5. C

    How good are your teachers?

    so would you rather he did blackboard notes than just demonstrated & asked u to make notes urself?
  6. C

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Cool if we can increase immigration to fill jobs why don't they get rid of the fucking baby bonus? it's contributing to our de-volution as a species :(
  7. C

    Lowering petrol tax

    Malcolm Turnbull laughs at this idea.
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    That's right So what if you don't like it? It doesn't make it any less true :D There isn't one, it's completely meaningless. Again, so what? What is the meaning and point of the life of one of the 100000000000000 bacteria (not an exaggeration, that's the correct number of zeros) currently...
  9. C

    significance of the q/m ratio

    the most important thing was that it allowed us to calculate the mass of an electron the charge came from Milikan's oil drop experiment
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    Does God exist?

    Well he had to do what he did in order for Jesus to be crucified Therefore his actions were necessary for us to be saved :eek:
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    Does God exist?

    Do you feel sorry for Judas? :D
  12. C

    Does God exist?

    It's just remarkable that a person who uses her faculties of reason in everyday life can manage to not feel at all worried that, There's no objective reason to believe that you're right, and that a Muslim who feels exactly the same way about Allah, has exactly the same faith, same knowledge and...
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    It all boils down to, Why do you believe that what the Bible says is true? or How do you know the Bible is from God? (other than because it says so)
  14. C

    Government can now see your bank details(whoever is on Centrelink)

    i'm backing inflation July '09: $500,000,00AU note released (Rudd on one side, Che on the other)
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    Does God exist?

    i tried to pick something really unbelievable is there anything so patently false you could comfortably say you believed there was no chance of it being real? how about the flying spaghetti monster
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    i hope there's no afterlife at all, since it would go on forever and forever after that and then forever after that and after that, forever EDIT: although i'd like to spend forever with you :shy:
  17. C

    Does God exist?

    Well without insulting your beliefs or doubting your own religious experiences Say we could explain someone's apparent 'spiritual influences' using only what we know about the human mind, that person's environment, the situation in their life, in other words, only natural/physical things that...
  18. C

    Does God exist?

    Could it perhaps just be all in their head? The human brain can do stranger stuff than we think it does. It would also make more sense if this was the case.
  19. C

    Government can now see your bank details(whoever is on Centrelink)

    i'm usually for civil liberties i just don't care if people who live off the government are going to be be held accountable to the government :D
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    Boyfriends And The HSC

    listen to this 09er kids EDIT: not sarcasm -_-