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  1. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Bla bla bla.. they deserve it full stop. loser. Dont attack israel with rocket, and we wont bomb you. ne ne ne ne ne. until then get obliterated with the mighty firepower of israel go cry to your powerless Allah bwa ha ha
  2. Zionist

    Do we need a head of state?

    Our Queen should at least stay for 3 months in Australia, 3 months in NZ, 3 months in Canada and 3 months in the UK. She neglects her australian subjects too long and this created disconnect between the monarchy and the citizens of the commonwealth.
  3. Zionist

    Howard to receive Medal of Freedom

    Re: John howard to receive "freedom" award for sucking up US ass during his 11 yr term! I personally believe John Howard deserve more than that, perhaps Nobel peace prize or even Victoria Cross (only if civilians were eligible). History will vindicate that John Howard and George Bush are the...
  4. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Aussie hero is fighting for Israel YouTube - IDF VLOG UPDATE: Ground Forces Enter Gaza - Capt. Benjamin Rutland - 3 Jan. 2009
  5. Zionist

    Israel preparing strike against Iran

    This must have sent shiver down the spine of Ayatollah :haha:
  6. Zionist

    Writer/Producer of Blinky Bill - ISRAELI

    Arabs are born to be jewish slaves anyways loser :lol:
  7. Zionist

    India uses truth serum on Mumbai gunman

  8. Zionist

    Writer/Producer of Blinky Bill - ISRAELI

    In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days. Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize. Ba ha ha
  9. Zionist

    Cops hit Middle Eastern drug gangs run by jailed Murderer

    typical arab contribution to Australia "Crime"
  10. Zionist

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    Thank God those muslim terrorists in melbourne are found guilty. In the UK they cant even convict terrorists with much more convincing eidence, even after they were caught red handed with explosives in their baggage.
  11. Zionist

    Rampage through the West Bank after Jewish boy stabbed

    Re: The world would be a better place had the Nazis succeeded. Good, thats how aussie should do if attacked by lebs.
  12. Zionist

    AFP wrong about Haneef

    25 days detention is a long time? :rofl: In Britain, a country considered as the mother of parliamentary democracy, accused terrorists can be detained for 28 days without charge. Haneef was detained for 25 days, with the permission of the Court. And what is wrong with detaining a suspected...
  13. Zionist

    AFP wrong about Haneef

    NOT INNOCENT VICTIM, Again.,23599,22174236-2,00.html :bomb: Terrorist sympathisers are not welcome in Australia. Well Done Kevin.
  14. Zionist

    AFP wrong about Haneef

    He is NOT an innocent victim.,23599,22166791-2,00.html he lied about his reason for leaving the country. Thank You Kevin for making this country a safer place by revoking Mohammed Haneef's visa.