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  1. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    i hope the conflict escalate into Lebanon so that we can kill another 1000 Leb terrorists just like in 2006 :D "On 16 March 2005, an Israeli border guard found a bomb in the school bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran at a military checkpoint near Nablus. His life was saved only because a cell...
  2. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    We dont need videos of Tunnels to satisfy your visual lust.
  3. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    AP has their own source which says they fired from a street near the school, Time source said cirtus fruit not far from the school, IDF said they fired from the school. They all proved Hamas in deed used UN schoool and innocent civilians as human shields. Serves them right. Thats what you got...
  4. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Some Jabalya refugees at the school said they saw a small group of militants firing mortars near the school and running away, the Associated Press reported. A Gaza resident contacted by TIME said there is a citrus grove not far from the school. "Most likely, the militants fired from there," said...
  5. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Yeah we knew that you arabs are happy when civilians are killed as they are being used as human shields by terrorists you supported, that way you can have a big procession , chanting and dancing. Thats a party for you after all :snowman:
  6. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Yes if the target is the terrorists who fired the mortar, they should bomb anywhere.
  7. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Two residents of the area who spoke with The Associated Press by telephone said they saw a small group of militants firing mortar rounds from a street near the school. They spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. Gunness said 1,300 people were taking shelter from the shelling at...
  8. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    No, they dont have the right, they were violating UN ceasefire of 1956 war, and closing strait of Tiran is also a violation of Freedom of international waters. for your information, Red Sea isnt Egyptian sea.
  9. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Nah, its egypt that blockade red sea from israel and moved its troops to Sinai, expelling UN peace keepers then Israel strike back! :chainsaw:
  10. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    They are busy killing Hamas terrorists. IF something was taken away from you, would you fight to take it back??? or just be a pussy and let the person who took it away have it? Again, you were given a chance to have almost half of the land you rejected and now you want that half back? LOL...
  11. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    So you rejected UN partition plan because of your greed and desire to seize more lands, you decided to fight for it, you lose the lands, isnt it fair that the winner got the lands since you decided to fight for it? :guitar:
  12. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Yet its you arabs who started all Arab-Israeli wars, lose all wars, cry and whine ever since isnt it a bit ironic? OH Im a jewish terrorist, im gonna blow myself up tomorrow at lakemba Mosque bwa ha ha :lol:
  13. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Why do you arabs always made up statistic and lies to support your argument. Israel was given 56% of the land Arabs were given 43% of the land , Jerusalem 1% was made an international city. Stop lying.
  14. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Nice try, you rejected UN partition Plan your chance is gone Forever! Accept the lands we assigned to you gracefully with courtesy before we rained down another 100,000 tons of bombs over you again. We are the winner of wars started by YOU and we shall dictate the rules! :hammer:
  15. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Yet 500+ of your fellow arab terrorists are killed in one week, time to celebrate :music:
  16. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    UN partition plan, rejected by greedy Arabs, accepted by humble Jews. Arabs decided to kill all jews instead of accepting UN partition Plan. They failed and lost more lands with each wars they started to kill all jews. And they still lose the war even today, cause you are a born loser! :headbang:
  17. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    They are happy to see you arabs die fighting their cause ha ha:angel:
  18. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    yeah truth hurts cause all those people died because of Muslim terrorists you supported. :lol:
  19. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    better than your POWERLESS supporters at UWS and USYD, at least our american supporters have the power!
  20. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    yet you happily pointed out how some losers at UWS supported you ha ha You will never understand because you are an arab. and out of 700,000 killed in Bush wars, 699,999 are muslims killed by Muslim terrorists. a car bomb just blew up in Iraq as we speak. well done!