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  1. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Oh so you have 1 WHITE Australian supporter ? Congratulations! we have the whole southern US Evangelicals on our side lets see who has more supporters bwa ha ha
  2. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    No you cant, America control your oil, and America is on our side. Yes you are. you are ashamed
  3. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    yeah we own the media, you lose, loser.
  4. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Blame the Hamas terrorists who hides behind them, not us :pain:
  5. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I'm yet to find a nation that delcares Israel as terrorist, many countries including Australia declares Hamas as terrorists however. And praised us for killing them.
  6. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    more than 500 hamas fighters are killed. :bomb:
  7. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    No, 500+ terrorist killed is the most successful operation against terrorism, shows Israeli soldiers are the BEST in killing terrorists.
  8. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    The children used as human shields by your arab terrorists, serves them right!
  9. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I have my own Israeli soldiers on the ground, I trust them more than any of your pseudo-experts
  10. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I know what Aussies hate, remember Cronulla!
  11. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Dr Gilbert, a palestinian sympathiser is NOT an expert in weapons, he knows no more than a 3rd grader
  12. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    first, you arabs are the real terrorists and you arabs killed more palestinians than Israel during the past 60 years, using them as a pawn to attack israel. Second, it is already proved that hamas fired from the school , as usual. they always used crowded hospitals, schools, markets, mosques...
  13. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    If you dont want your school blown to bits then dont let the Hamas terrorist hide themselves and their weapons . Pure and Simple. :fish:
  14. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    No, they pretend to try to stop the fighting to fool retards like you. behind the scene they told us how good we are at killing 500 terrorist in one week. The most successful anti-terrorist operation ever!
  15. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    OF course the world knows you arabs are the biggest whiner. Too bad we are winning on the ground, action speak louder than your useless rhetoric.
  16. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    You can hate us as much as you like, as if you are LIKED by the world. The reason NO country actually tried to stop the fighting is because they wanted us to destroy Arab terrorism in Israel and Palestine. Keep waiting, arab.
  17. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Wronged by arabs, used as a pawn by arabs and Muslims to foster their hatred against jews and Israel. Perhaps why dont you put yourself in their position. Anyone in ther right mind will ask hamas to stop their rocket attack , but NONE of you dirty arabs call for that either. As long as the...
  18. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Typical Arab lies. israeli parliament voted to accept Oslo Accord, palestinians didnt and continued their attacks on Israel. funny how dirty arabs always believe they can fool educated people like us and the rest Bwa ha ha die arabs die, please burn. :evilfire:
  19. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Didnt you arabs celebrate the death of each civlian with a huge procession rivalling the arrival of Queen of Sheba? tee hee :D
  20. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    At least we survived the holocaust and we kick your sorry arab arse ever since. :skip: Maybe your GOD is inferior to ours ha ha!