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  1. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Congratulations Israel for winning the war against Arab terrorists Hamas. I've never seen a war so well planned and nicely executed killing 1000+ Terrorists. Thats the Israeli way !
  2. Zionist

    Saudi Arabia:OK for a 10 year old girls to have a wedding with a 47yr old pedo [WTF?]

    Re: Saudi Arabia:OK for a 10 year old girls to have a wedding with a 47yr old pedo [W disgusting to the core of humanity. This solidify my personal belief that most arab muslim men are paedophile by nature.
  3. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I'm disappointed that israel declared ceasefire. I personally believe the war should continue until each and every member of Hamas terrorists are killed. I hope Hamas keep provoking Israel so we can have another round of fighting :D
  4. Zionist

    Imams condone rape, violence right here in Australia

    with each muslim men marrying up to 4 Wives and having 10 children per wives, it is obvious you muslims are multiplying like rats during the bubonic plague. Your saviour Osama Bin Laden had 4 Wives and had 26 children.
  5. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    At least he is dying peacefully unlike terrorist Yasser Arafat who died of AIDS. His families are so ashamed that they didnt even want a post-mortem ha ha:mad1:
  6. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    isnt it funny these terrorists supporters complaining about children being killed by IDF because they were used as human shields by Hamas terrorists while hamas terrorists regularly use child suicide bombers. Looks like it is OK for Hamas to kill children but its a war crime for Israel is they...
  7. Zionist

    Australian mother jailed over ' Emir insult' in Kuwait

    They should have vacationed in Israel instead, where they can insult anyone as much as they like. Including the Emirs, sultans and prophet Muhammad ha ha. Kuwaitis and Iraqis hates eachother like Goats and Dogs.
  8. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict - Critics Say French TV Network Broadcast Fabricated Footage in Gaza, Again - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News OOPS Pallywood done it again :haha:
  9. Zionist

    Best Movie 2008: Slumdog Millionare

    Enjoyed too.. one of the best. WallE? the most boring animated film IMO
  10. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    What a loser. I have never seen anyone as vile and disgusting as you in this board. Your personal attack towards Jared was despicable. I think you deserved to be banned more than anyone else. I personally do not think any real palestinian arab here want to be represented and associated with...
  11. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    It means IDF is the BEST in the world and they are the most successful terrorist fighter ever, and Operation Cast Lead has been the most successful military operation against a terrorist organisation. Well Done Israel, may God Bless you! :angel:
  12. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Since the beginning of violence in the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, 29 suicide attacks have been carried out by youth under the age of 18. Since May 2001, 22 shootings attacks and attacks using explosive devices were carried out by youth under the age of 18. Since the beginning of 2001...
  13. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    You arabs love your children killed anyways why do you complain? You use them as human shields all the time, use them as suicide bombers, use them as weapons smuggler etc and when they are killed celebrated on the street dancing with music with a huge procession as big the coronation of Queen...
  14. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    As long as you Arabs fail to blame Hamas you arabs will suffer and you deserve each and every bombs that explodes in Gaza. Well Done Israel once again, for killing 600+ Hamas Terrorists. :shoot:
  15. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    So great of you to describe yourself. You ignorant, fugly, whining , retarded and paedophile worshipping, terrorist supporting arab. Enjoy the Bombs! :angel:
  16. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    mmmmm Pedophile worshippers tsk tsk. :lol:
  17. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    and I just exposed your arab lies ha ha:lol:
  18. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    truth hurts. and the Bomb ha ha
  19. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I support the murder of Hamas terrorists, and their supporters like you evil, extremist, fanatical and paedophile worshipping nutcase.
  20. Zionist

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Enjoy the bomb :uhoh: