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  1. E

    UAC educational access scheme

    I don't know if just having your parents divorced is gonna make you competitive in terms of the other candidates. I mean i know heap of people who's parents have split.
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    who applied for FEAS

    hence my last minute, shitty responses the night before (i just remembered to apply).
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    who applied for FEAS

    yep I did, as a safety net. do they really look at and analyse your 200 word responses? Or is it more the marks/ranks you have. I had trouble filling out the section for relevant experiences (not too many that relate to engineering lol).
  4. E

    school sending in lots of tied ranks...implications?

    can't you look at their percentages to, say, two decimals? Then you would be able to separate them (unless in the very unlikely chance that they both get the exact same marks in every assessment).
  5. E

    UAC question...

    I'm certain it's still free to change around even after 30th september. What matters is that you register on time - dw about your preferences for now if you wish.
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    What're some good scary/horror pc games

    you probably heard this many times, but have you tried F.E.A.R? also i found Stalker scary (but more due to the foreboding/depressing atmosphere)
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    hey, do they upload these exams/tutorials on the university websites? and if so could you link me to it? tankyou
  8. E

    Year 12 Regrets

    have* have* have*
  9. E

    sulfuric acid safety precautions

    cheers "undermyskin" and "white ferret". So am i correct in the conclusion that while washing with water may hurt, it is the lesser of two evils?
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    sulfuric acid safety precautions

    could someone clear this up for me: why does my textbook say that if you splash some sulfuric acid (concentrated) on your skin, you should run it under water? Isn't the dilution of sulfuric acid extremely exothermic and wouldn't this burn your skin/cause more damage? What about wiping it off...
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    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    "soft" subjects usually require more memorisation and less logical thinking (and i've done a mix so i know). questions are often easier (only people who find it hard are those who haven't studied the content). a massive cram can often save people who do this test. sometimes with "hard"...
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    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    don't blame the paper. it wasn't that hard compared to HSC. also 53/120 is quite low for the highest mark.
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    Nervous Breakdown

    that's your problem. consistent study is required to do well. you had to start trying since the start. i got crap marks in chem but i blame myself.
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    Probability help needed.

    i don't know why, but 2U probablity shits me. on the other hand i love permutations and combinations. weird.
  15. E

    hey could someone let me into the stonecutters too? if you could spare an invite code...cheers
  16. E

    General thoughts on the 2008 CSSA Trial Extension 1 Mathematics Paper

    i would also like to know this...anyone care to make an educated guess at the minimum raw mark for that test that would probably gain a band six?
  17. E

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    you are right on the money. i'm no genius, but i consider myself to be equally good at all my subjects (which aren't all just maths based/humanities based - nice spread). I find it incredibly hard to figure out what i want to study next year. Basically i've got so many options that i could...
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    Mathematics Extension 1 HSC Trial Thread

    lol the motion questions are where i scrape my marks from, they're usually derive this, differentiate that etc other stuff like rates of change and parametrics i just stuff up i think the trials are getting kicked up the arse (i needed it) you do physics, those motion...