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  1. E

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    From the way our idiotic teachers mark, you'd think the converse was true.
  2. E

    Applying interstate

    yeah there's no undergraduate law degree apparently @ Melb Uni.
  3. E

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    If only i had the self control to do this during the year right from the beginning. Man I'd be sweet by now and wouldn't have a worry and i'd be laughing at you guys. But alas I'm not in that position. :(
  4. E

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    I think 8 hours is just at the threshold of capability. Any more and: -you might burn out -you probably won't be able to do the same the next day
  5. E

    Question about Educational Access Scheme

    didn't you read the booklet?
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    Question about Educational Access Scheme

    you sure got that right. Bloody annoying thing.
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    Question about Educational Access Scheme

    i sent in F01C, H01B and H01C
  8. E

    Question about Educational Access Scheme

    i got two "a great deal"s and one "considerable". but it seems my career advisor lacks simple writing skills. His statement is a bit ambiguous/poorly worded (which is a bit annoying since i gave all the information required about my situation).
  9. E

    Hey - pathways to B. Engineering

    for those in the know, would it be better to take the science pathway, or doing engineering at another uni? (obviously with a lower UAI cutoff)
  10. E

    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    Ok these conflicting opinions are confusing me. :confused: I don't know whether it;s worth it now.
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    Uni mathematics

    only if you quit trying to lengthen your e-penis by showing off with math. Edit: I see you've wisely removed it.
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    Uni mathematics

    how about no. do some real maths.:eek: =]
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    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    ^ basically that's what i thought.
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    dancing moves?

    I don't like your type.
  15. E

    last week of formal school

    i thought i'd actually WANT to go to school in the last few weeks (because it's almost over). But i find I am more sick of school than ever and as such have taken many days off. i'm just over the whole place. Makes me sick.
  16. E

    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    Well i'm sure speaking fluently (which most of us should be able to do anyway) and having such a double degree would make you more attractive. But i guess it boils down to a lot of other factors.
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    girls, do you like guys cummin on your face ?

    Cumming on the face is like conquering Everest. You feel on top of the world.
  18. E

    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    I think you're wrong there. I've been talking to a few students who do the combined degree and Engineering/commerce students are often hired (over straight commerce students) due to their analytic/mathematical ability.
  19. E

    No more dfee places ?

    since when? i thought they are all going to be abolished (except internationals)