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  1. E

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Maths

    hey man thanks for that. Just a quick q: are you disadvantaged in any way by choosing the lower level maths?
  2. E

    2009 Main Round cut-offs

    ahaha i was waiting for this thread to appear.
  3. E

    haha sorry, I mean you're knowledgeable in general. Very helpful around the forums here (esp...

    haha sorry, I mean you're knowledgeable in general. Very helpful around the forums here (esp university matters).
  4. E

    Books are overpriced?

    great link, thanks!
  5. E

    Is Natarsha Belling (Ch. 10 morning news reader) Australia's sexiest news reader?

    Man you can't beat Kathryn Robinson she is smoking
  6. E


    If this is true: Then don't worry about this:
  7. E

    So what do we need for uni ?

    People who borrow pens piss me off (you can probably tell i've had bad experiences)
  8. E

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    What you said prior to this suggested that you had no choice who you worked with. So what is it? - are we delegated groups or do we choose groups? (or does it depend/vary).
  9. E

    MedEntry or Face2Face

    just screengrab everything with firefox.
  10. E

    Double Degrees

    lol venn diagram ftw
  11. E

    Animorphs or Goosebumps?

    holy fuck i remember the fear street series. They were fucking fantastic and genuinely creepy.
  12. E

    PDF on nintendo ds?

    can't see it happening....would need to be more powerful. edit: just convert it
  13. E

    job prospects for pharmacy?

    You must've been the dux. From what I hear that school is pretty shit. (no offence!)
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    comparing engineers with double degree and single degree

    you're doing a double degree. What's your response to the post preceding yours?
  15. E

    HSC plus - unsw

    the order of your preference does not affect your chances i.e. you will still be considered equally even with those who had it as their no. 1 preference.
  16. E

    how do u get a high band 6 in english?

    just brush up on your bullshitting skills and you're halfway there.
  17. E

    What's the highest/lowest by which a cut off willincrease/decrease?

    you've made so many threads during the past couple of days....
  18. E


    yes it is. not sure whether you will make it then (in the info book it says the cutoff for all engineering will remain @ 88). 88 is prob inflated so you might have a chance. although what would i know i'm an 08'er - wait for someone from unsw.
  19. E


    have you done FEAS?