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    Has anyone stuffed up term 4 assessments and managed to get over 90?

    Hell yes i completely stuffed up in term 4 2007. Spent whole year playing catch-up and still got over 90 - although i am sure i would've done a fair bit better had i not stuffed those group of assessments.
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    i got 95.3

    You guys are idiots, giving career advice to a one-post troll.
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    What was your uai?

    should be more divisions after 90+
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    which uni should i go to for engineering

    Re: 回复: Re: which uni should i go to for engineering I went on a tour with that Indian dude at the start of the video. Smart guy, did electrical engineering.
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    how about "why UAI cut-offs will remain pretty much normal"
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    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    how was it first time 'round? Like Doom 3?
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    EAS for USYD

    damn usyd wasn't one of my preference up until today! Will i still qualify?
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    EAS for USYD

    nope. Do you need a preference from usyd to get a letter? They are supposed to notify you though (according to the EAS booklet)
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    I bombed out, please help me.

    Engineering at USYD is nothing special. Why is it such a dream?
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    I got 81.00, and did nothing all year.

    I've come across those types of people before. The type who work very hard to create a visage that they're not doing much/any work - yet when exams come they rip it. Since the HSC relies heavily on memorisation of facts (except a few subjects) there is no way someone with "natural talent" would...
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    UAC is a fraud!

    "Office hours 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday" source: Universities Admissions Centre NSW & ACT - Contact us
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    subjects u did which didnt count, did u regret doing it?

    Why did you have to drag everyone else down?....just because "it was a great laugh"
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    speakers:logitech z-2300 vs x-540

    how about you prioritise music, movies and games.
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    Game of the Year 2008

    DS game
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    Can Someone Clarify this email for me?

    do you lack basic comprehension?
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    Family's reaction to your UAI?

    mum: how'd you go? me: 94 mum: gg
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    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    Why is psychology so popular?
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    Laptops for Uni

    Re: 回复: Laptop for Uni? where you get those prices from?
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    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Laptop for Uni? this topic has been done to death.