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  1. _dhj_

    judge away

    just don't be under the false impression that he's taking you seriously.
  2. _dhj_

    Wud u wait?

    Funny how you've come to this conclusion when you don't even know the person, who's by first hand judgment but yeah you should wait...
  3. _dhj_

    A future for nuclear power In NSW/Australia?

    No to that aswell. Back to the stone age.
  4. _dhj_

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    The harm minimisation question is overrated. It's more of an economic question. Will legalisation cause more crime, thus its consequences need more taxpayer dollars to deal with, or indeed will it cause less crime? Will it increase total dealer revenue or decrease it? Does legalisation increase...
  5. _dhj_

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    It might seem contrived to us but I think to the laystudent, it might well be something new and worth learning about. E.g. We might be well aware of media deception and manipulation of the truth and discourse theory, but Frontline explains it to the rest of the student population.
  6. _dhj_

    snobby girls.. (and how to get to them)

    I <3 snobs actually... They remind me of myself :o
  7. _dhj_

    getting a gf/bf without trying

    only if you're a girl who's ridiculously hot.
  8. _dhj_

    Where do you stand?

    Overall, the PoliticsForum quiz considers you a materialist, internationalist, non-absolutist, controlled-market kind of person, who also seems quite Marxist. These characteristics would put you in the overall category of Marxist. Your natural home at PoliticsForum would be the Communism...
  9. _dhj_


    Yeah a bit disappointed to find out yesterday morning that it didn't do so well at the 8:30 screening. Still looking forward to it though.
  10. _dhj_

    Saying "hi" to your friend's ex...

    You would still say hi but probally avoid any real conversations for the time being.
  11. _dhj_

    Favourite Movies.

    You need to show some respect to your betters.
  12. _dhj_

    Favourite Movies.

    I don't think it's so much of a cultural aversion to recreational drug use... it's just that movies like Trainspotting don't really fit well with the main Asian stereotypes. We're meant to be into asian series and anime :) Actually, I know an asian guy who did exactly the same hsc subjects as...
  13. _dhj_

    Favourite Movies.

    :) <3 (hmm 4-4-2-2 subjects - are u asian?)
  14. _dhj_

    Losing weight to get a bf/gf

    Weight significantly forms looks (body), and I don't think it's too controversial to state that looks matter... ALOT.
  15. _dhj_

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I think the conflict between homosexuals and heterosexuals in today's society is based not so much on homophobia or disapproval of homosexual behaviour by heterosexuals, but more on the evolution of the so called 'homosexual identity'. Being gay is not seen as simply a particular preference...
  16. _dhj_

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    Can't remember... I think Liz Hurley :o
  17. _dhj_

    ACCT mid-sems test. Did you die or did joo die?

    different streams get results differently we got it all in one.
  18. _dhj_

    ACCT mid-sems test. Did you die or did joo die?

    haha just beat you mate. too bad i got caned in micro :( (the one which actually counts)
  19. _dhj_

    Australian Movies

    <3 picnic at hanging rock that is all :o
  20. _dhj_

    Lawyers vs. Accountants

    Curious to know, are you planning to go into a predominantly commerce related profession, or a law related profession?