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  1. _dhj_

    Piano as a hobby...

    unless you're aiming to become a pro pianist it's surely just a hobby :p I haven't played since Y11 =/
  2. _dhj_

    Judges are more likely to make just outcomes than juries. Do

    lol is it "do u agree with this statement?" go back to legal studies forum kthnx.
  3. _dhj_

    Mr. Waldron @ North Shore Chatswood

    I never actually used his "super essay" but the guy is a legend. One of the best teachers I've ever had.
  4. _dhj_

    What the beep! Prostitute names politician on air

    Yeah I think if the allegation was made there would be an enquiry into the matter, which would ironically waste alot more of taxpayer money.
  5. _dhj_

    Ex-Marine kills thugs! =D

    This is not really worth arguing about, just a definition. I think if you look "terrorist" up in the dictionary, you'll find that one of the proviso is that the objective needs to be political/ideological or similar. I think Comrade_Nathan is making the point that the "terrorist" label in this...
  6. _dhj_

    Ex-Marine kills thugs! =D

    No. Terrorists are only those who use "terror" as a weapon to achieve a political/ideological goal.
  7. _dhj_

    getting a gf/bf without trying

    hahaha... some women are far too clever...
  8. _dhj_

    Hot Models Thread

    Agreed. I'd have to agree with AsyLum. Very interesting post, though probably not as interesting as more pictures of hot models. :)
  9. _dhj_

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    The Rationalist, Romanticist, Modernist and Postmodernist eras loosely make up the humanist epoch. It can be said that Western civilisation as a whole is only made up of three epochs - Classical (Greeks and Roman), Medieval (Dark ages onwards), and Humanist (enlightenment onwards). There are...
  10. _dhj_

    Mock Trial

    towards rather... anyway were you in mock trial? I can't remember...
  11. _dhj_

    Mock Trial

    Mock Trial was fun... We kept losing though... damn magistrates were biased towards girls' schools -.- ...those were the days.
  12. _dhj_

    Exclusive news: Girl (correction: boy) jumped off UTS tower building!

    Re: Exclusive news: Girl jumped off UTS tower building! If it is true, this is neither light nor offbeat...
  13. _dhj_

    Accounting or Architecture?

    No more accounting propaganda please. I know you reckon accountants are so important and accounting is so rewarding compared to other crappy professions like architecture or law, but I'm afraid the rest of the world is not in agreement with you.
  14. _dhj_

    Nebuchanezzar's Signature...

    I think it's a bit of a stretch to argue that the law only serves the purpose of retribution for the crime of murder. Prevention is obviously a big part. Society isn't perfect, and people commit murder not only because they believe it is right to do so in particular situations, but also because...
  15. _dhj_

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    That is unsurprising given Howard's populist and anti-intellectual style of politics.
  16. _dhj_

    Muslim People in Australia

    History is something that you should learn from. You can do much more with it than simply use it to show whether you were right or wrong.
  17. _dhj_

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    Opinion piece written by the same guy who wrote this? That cannot be regarded as a relatively objective article.
  18. _dhj_

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    That is a fair concern, but such a broad claim would have to be backed up by some statistical evidence. It would be interesting to compare our kids' literacy levels with that of the rest of OECD or similar standards. It would be interesting to see how we fare compared to the rest of the world (I...
  19. _dhj_

    Nebuchanezzar's Signature...

    Wow.. I just realised that he has a web page of court proceedings. All of these are pretty hilarious :p
  20. _dhj_

    Confusing Dream.

    Erotic dreams are great cos you don't face any consequences. It's pleasure with no strings attached.