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  1. wrxsti

    Orientation Day

    Just wondering when Orientation day is for Engineering Students? Is it already over ? :S
  2. wrxsti

    Taxi driver seriously in Melbourne

    yep, its what a headline read on, i was iterally sitting there for 5 mins reading it over and over again, thinking its actually not an error, never seen ninemsn make an ive got toooooooo much time...
  3. wrxsti

    How Seriously...

    I used a 30 year old "Jones and Couchman Book" which had very easy questions in it. Textbook means nothing. If you want to go really well in Ext Math Do Lots of trial papers and past HSC papers.
  4. wrxsti


    MAN PENRITH CAMPUS........FTW EVERYTHING IS FUCKEN CLEANNNNNNNNNNNN gym/basketball courts/hockey/tennis
  5. wrxsti

    Hizbollah Terrorist leader killed in Car Blast

    well im muslim (u all might know by now), and i totally agree with amused, the cycle will just continue and a new head will rise that takes over that member of hezbollah, and then the world will claim that that new head is the most dangerous person alive. | THE TERRORISTS ALWAYS WIN! |
  6. wrxsti

    I wants a new monitor

    Samsung/Sony/Sharp FTW!!!
  7. wrxsti

    ***ANZ Stadium - Recruiting Now!!!***

    are you serious, thats bloody sad....all i know Stadium Australia was a fucken hot name lol.....oh well
  8. wrxsti

    ***ANZ Stadium - Recruiting Now!!!***

    ANZ STADIUM....WTF THIS IS A SCAM, TELSTRA stadium was formely known as "Stadium Australia". ANZ STADIUM is a stadium in Queensland, use to be used by the brisbane broncos, but now they use Suncorp Stadium.
  9. wrxsti

    Hizbollah Terrorist leader killed in Car Blast

    oh yeh and 'aryanbeauty', ur avatar is really disturbing, if u actually think deep down that the israelis and americans actually have some kind of bond/relationship then ur madly mislead. i guess you have that avatar cause of the hatred israelis(and yourself) and amercians have towards the...
  10. wrxsti

    Hizbollah Terrorist leader killed in Car Blast

    it would of been funny, if you were joking....
  11. wrxsti

    Building 10 Is Hot!

    i found it cool that u have a chose of PC's and Mac computers in the comp lab, near the lobby
  12. wrxsti

    Building 10 Is Hot!

    had my enrollment 2day, and i reckon building 10 is veryy nice, the skywalks really brightened up the interior, its a massive transition from the old-concrete exterior of the UTS Tower.
  13. wrxsti

    UTS engineering to UNSW

    u believe whatever some1 says..... let 'loser' elaborate on his statement and it will be wise if he was an ex-uts-student? so were u 'loser'?
  14. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    F U C K I N G OATH, im dreading it soo hard, i can imagine when they have a promotion for like buy 2 coke bottles and get a free 50g mars bar, but instead they buy a 100g mars bar and sit there yelling at you its for free.....OH GOD... also at my coles we have underground parking which...
  15. wrxsti

    Coles Pay Rate

    your wrong... for eg: weekdays - $10.00 sundays - $15.00 sundays is time & a half saturday is part of the weekdays. greekgun..if u worked checkout, u would realise that when you do sunday night close-up, its why u have to do a FULL bag up of the money in the register, not just the usual...
  16. wrxsti

    Roadside mounted speed camera

    so you saw a flash.... did you already pass the radar.... if u had already passed it, the radar would of captured both of you, considering you were both speeding.
  17. wrxsti

    Paying back HECS

    Lie on your tax return.