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  1. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    theres a sensor at the end of the conveyor belt, so when items reach that sensor, the belt stops, and as we remove the items them scan/pack them, the sensor is out of range and it moves again, although we can turn the belt on/off by a switch.
  2. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    lollll, ME 2. I thought i was the only one that does that.
  3. wrxsti

    Your thoughts on O Day

    THE DAILY TELEGRAPHY . FTW! i remember first week at uws, they had stalls saying, "let the government pay", so we went over and we can sign-up free membership for the daily telegraph, everyday, and delivery on the weekend (sat & sun telegraph). ALL 4 FREE! uws>uts lol :lol:
  4. wrxsti

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcoming 2008 students!' Thread lucky you..:vcross:
  5. wrxsti

    A Response to The Myth that Islam Does Not Promote Paedophilia

    I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too? I love you You love me We're best friends Like friends should be With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too?
  6. wrxsti

    A Response to The Myth that Islam Does Not Promote Paedophilia

    lol, im getting sick and tired of posting in these kind of threds, Ba'al..get a life mate, u must have spent 3 hours structuring and researching your statements, all your threads/posts are religious ones based on the sole purpose of degrading islam., do something with your life, u wouldnt...
  7. wrxsti

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    man just do it at your closest rta, theres no conspiracy against you. hears what i tell all future P-platers (one you will never be ). [man why am i such a sadist]. "Drive as you normally will, but be extra extra EXTRA safe/careful/cautious when with the instructor" i gurantee you if you...
  8. wrxsti

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    lollll, your the RTA's biggest BITCH MATE! FROM LOGIC: if you were a good driver, u wouldnt have failed 5 times (3 times...i like to exaggerate). oh yeh and u r the RTA'S BITCH, cause u would of already forked out like $150 for the tests already...oh eh and couting... im out...
  9. wrxsti

    classes full??

    labs would be hard...just to rock up. but for tutes, they wont care IMO . Talking from uws experience.. :karate:
  10. wrxsti

    Nike Trash Talk 'shoes made from 100% trash for $100

    same here... stupid stupid nike, should of cranked it up to like $250, like there other popular shoes, and it would blend straight into the other shoe lines. :lol: i should of done marketing...
  11. wrxsti

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    ....u sit there & reply to everyone's insults and arguments against you.... your THE MAN! :ninja:
  12. wrxsti

    Your thoughts on O Day

    damn.... i didnt see that stand....oh well isnt the orientation still on thursday and friday u think they will still be there?
  13. wrxsti

    classes full??

    they would be reopening ones soon, or might open more classes
  14. wrxsti

    Shocked !!!! What The Hell

    u failed.........whats the problem.... :karate:
  15. wrxsti

    combined degrees

    Prison Break > MythBusters
  16. wrxsti

    Rules for Customers

    .....your my hero :)
  17. wrxsti

    Chemical Properties of rubies

  18. wrxsti

    Official Orientation today!

    hey ppl, so how was the orientation today, did you benefit from it at all? what did u learn that you wouldnt of learnt if you didnt go? im going 2morrow 19th :( ...