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  1. undalay


    I don't understand, even if it was a small difference to your marks, if you were given the opportunity why do you even hesitate ?
  2. undalay

    Study Habits

    I study when i feel like it. Which is almost never.
  3. undalay

    How are 08's finding their Preliminary Year?

    best year so far :). Although the start was much enjoyable for me. (Not relating to school work) I'm excited for year 12 : D.
  4. undalay

    How many significant figures?

    Your final answer should be to the amount of significant figures equal to the lowest in the question. Eg what is the weight of MgO after burning 250g of Mg, your answer would be to 2 significant figures. Exception to this is pH, where you add one. What is the pH of 1 mol of HCl. Your answer...
  5. undalay

    Some chem questions.

    oh right so the final products is exluding the chlrorine and HCl gases. Thanks xiao1985 and brenton1987
  6. undalay

    Some chem questions.

    Yeah it does, thank you. Isn't HCl a possible product too tho :S ?
  7. undalay


  8. undalay

    Some chem questions.

    Sorry i still don't fully understand question 1. : S
  9. undalay

    Some chem questions.

    A hydrocarbon X of molecular formula C6H14 was allowed to react with limited chlorine gas in the presence of light. The resulting mixture contained two products with different boiling points, as well as excess starting material. What is the systematic name of X? A) 2,2-dimethylbutane B)...
  10. undalay

    Does SDD suck or what?

    I did SDD for 2 weeks during year 11, the teacher gave us a course outline, i realised it was shithouse, then i transfered out of that subject.
  11. undalay

    Find the exact value of tan 22.5 by using tan 2x - Can't do.

    Tan 2a ? or Tan a/2? Coz if its half angle results simply tan(45/2) = sin 45 / 1 + cos 45 ??
  12. undalay

    what is a good mark in 3 unit maths

    similar difficulty to 2unit imo; just more content to deal with in a shorter period of time.
  13. undalay

    Drop 'em or keep 'em?

    16 units is alot. Basically 60% of the work you are doing is going to be useless. If you're a high band 6 music student, then scaling shouldn't really affect you.
  14. undalay

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Re: What would you like to see on BOS 2007? A more organised resources sections? The amount of resources are constantly growing, and its getting more and more chaotic in there.
  15. undalay

    Pdhpe Ass Help?
  16. undalay

    which subs would you rather do: business or legal?

    wrong section maybe? i'd do legal.
  17. undalay

    Application of Maximisation and Minimisation

    Heres my proof: There might be a cleaner way, but this is my method. SA = 2 pi R^2 + 2 pi R h V = pi R^2 h Now since volume is not a specific case, you can set it to anything. I chose 100 for convenience. 100 = pi R^2 h R^2 = 100 / hpi Subin SA SA = 2pi(100/hpi) +...
  18. undalay

    Final Exams

    not the ones i tried.
  19. undalay

    y are the prelims yearlies best indicator for HSC?

    If they reject you from 4u, you can simply appeal or complain, and usually that is enough for them to allow you into 4u. If trig is 'just' cos, sin, tan, then why aren't you aceing it? Theres alot of stuff around trig, if you can't comprehend year 11 trig concepts, you may reconsider your...
  20. undalay

    y are the prelims yearlies best indicator for HSC?

    Just trust your teacher. They know best ( usually ). Yeah that sounds about right. Our 4u acceptence test was based on trig / functions.