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  1. undalay

    chem HELP!!! ionization

    It'd stop because its stable
  2. undalay

    Organised Basketball

    I was just wondering if there is anyway for me to play in some sort of organised basketball. I'm 16, living in the inner west area and not very good in basketball, but i still love playing it and would like to play it out of school on a regular basis. I'm aware that there are quite a few comps...
  3. undalay

    Purpose of utopian literature

    From all the utopian texts i have read; Genesis and the Garden of Eden, Utopia, The Giver, and some others i can't recall the title. I've only been left with one thought. Utopia is always flawed and never perfect. Humans can't attain utopia because utopia itself is not defined. Nothing is...
  4. undalay

    There is no more School Cet???

    unless u got all band 6. Please don't say its a joke.
  5. undalay

    ENGLISH! (All courses welcome =D)

    Advance - Identity, but we're not doing that until term 2 i think. Currently doing modernism poetry. Extension - Utopia, so bloody interesting i'm doing more work that wasn't prescribed by the teacher.
  6. undalay

    adjusting to new school..

    Depends how social you are, how used to change, etc etc. Less then 6 months i would think.
  7. undalay

    Fort St...

    homeownage is Edmund? This is Jimmy. Well im in yr 11 at fshs and seriously, this is the first time i've heard of sefton vs fort st, ive asked alot of people and they have no idea what this rivalry is. Personally, i think fshs has some of the best people around save few. As long as you can...
  8. undalay

    Living Old

    "Let's face it, you'll never be able to live a normal life. You're just a nuisance to other people and a burden to yourself - in fact you're really leading a sort of posthumous existence. So why go on feeding germs ? Since your life's a misery to you, why hesitate to die? You're imprisoned in a...
  9. undalay

    Second thoughts on my 07 Subbies

    a couple of questions/some more info on me I've already picked up SDD and i want to drop it asap, but how many times can i change subjects within the first 2 weeks? eg can i go from SDD->ECO->BIO->HISTORY->PD? Secondly, someone just generally tell me what they teach in eco. For uni courses...
  10. undalay

    Second thoughts on my 07 Subbies

    Okay so i'm doing 12 units in 07 consisting of: 3 units of Math, 3 units of English, Chemisty and Physics. (10 so far) I also chose Software Development and Design. I chose SDD initially because i liked programming, etc But i'm having second thoughts because; I hate the theory behind it (IST)...
  11. undalay

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    7yr old girls > primal urges. no exceptions.
  12. undalay

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    So if a 7 y-o boy kills both his mother, he should spend the rest of his life in prison.
  13. undalay

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    because the parents chose to have the unexpected pregenancy right?
  14. undalay

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    People are stupid. People are uneducated. People can't tell the future. People shouldn't need to be so fucking cautious of every little thing, but that DOES NOT mean that they need to be punished. A little mistake when your 16 or 17 or something, can basically ruin your life for the rest of your...
  15. undalay

    An idea to end the water problem

    Because recycling sewage requires no waste to be removed, right?
  16. undalay

    An idea to end the water problem

    Okay, for everyone that ignored my post completely and failed to read: Ill sum it up for those of you that can't be bothered to read it. In the last 3 years Australia has lost 46 Cubic kilometres...
  17. undalay

    An idea to end the water problem

    Even if we cut usage by 50% we'd still have a water problem. Edit: I agree that we do have to waste less water but that just isn't enough. Many other states besides NSW have harsher water...
  18. undalay

    An idea to end the water problem

    Water recycling and distillation plants is the solution. Problem is it requires ALOT of power. Power we'll get from nuclear sources. I think it would be hard to ration water, much too costly to calculate everything?
  19. undalay

    Did anyone get the report sheet for each subject in the sc folio?

    Yeah i got an individual subject report, but that was from my school and only compared with my schools results and not the state.
  20. undalay

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    English - 91 (6) Mathematics - 93 (6) Science - 89 (5) Geography - 95 (6) History - 94 (6) Computing - 91 Stupid science >_>. Don't play dota and wow the day before exams.