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  1. undalay


    there is no set ratio. another reason alloys aren't considered compounds.
  2. undalay

    Can you do 5 units of history.....

    Yes, i don't see why you can't.
  3. undalay

    Does anyone else think we could all get a UAI of 100?

    not all people that gain 100 uai have no lives.
  4. undalay

    ext english

    disagree agree
  5. undalay

    are you still allowed to change subjects?

    No, save few exceptional cases.
  6. undalay

    What is your motivation?

    Why do you hate me so much ): btw, this thread sure has grown.
  7. undalay

    Should Australia Develop Nuclear Weapons

    Building more nuclear weapons to defend ourselves is just as silly as Americans wanting more guns so they can defend themselves from other guns.
  8. undalay

    school certificate grades

    The SC record of achievement seems scaled to me... but usually if your getting Bs at school, you'll get a B in your record of achievement (unless your school marks and exam marks are completely different).
  9. undalay

    your topics 4 maths ext

    spamham less plzx ):d
  10. undalay

    What motivates you?

    Yes it is true that you don't need to be 'studying extremely hard' right now, however do not think that: "Oh i'll just coast through yr 11 and study my ass off in yr 12 and get exceptional marks." Have aims in yr 11, and slowly increase them as the months progress. For example, starting to...
  11. undalay

    your topics 4 maths ext

    What the hell... the last topic i did was circle geometry.
  12. undalay

    Fort St...

    Hmm now that i think about it, there is quite a bit i guess. However for alot of them, you must try out and the places are extemely limited. Eg Mock trial, debating, etc. You need to try out. The same people tend to join the groups every year, so its the same people doing it every year, and alot...
  13. undalay

    half yearly study timetable

    Hecs is not alot. Its quite cheap actually, one of the best loans available. According to you timetable, i see you allocated charity work for 11pm+ im sure charity groups are active at that time. You've have allocated no time in your timetable for these huge number of activities, save playing...
  14. undalay

    Fort St...

    I've never been to any other high school other then fort st, but comparing with friends from other selectives. Fort st's academic side is not much different from a normal school. Although we don't have general math, standard eng, and alot of electives and many ext. classes. (from my POV the...
  15. undalay

    half yearly study timetable

    Obviously i wasn't being serious. Do you think all people who get 98 uai+ study 5+ hours throughout the year during prelims. The fact is, they don't. The dux of my school, which for your information is actually an academically good school, doesn't study that much at all. I've had her play dota...
  16. undalay

    half yearly study timetable

    These study timetables are just when exams are close right ? Coz if they were year round, i'd say you need more shit then just school/study/ etc. Its not healthy. Go socialise, go do some exercise, go play some team sport. Jeez 5+ Hours of studying a day is stupid. If you need 5+ hours to...
  17. undalay

    Studying tips

    I think thats a stupid way to study. So for any 1 time, you'll be studying 3 parts of a subject at 1 time. Say 20 minutes revision or so. Thats an hour a day per subject. 4-5 Hours a day.
  18. undalay

    half yearly study timetable

    i agree. Find out your weak points in each subject and target them first.
  19. undalay

    What Year/Grade should we consider seriously studying?

    You should consider starting to study in yr 11. BUT that doesn't mean 7-10 is useless. You need to keep on top of you studies at all times. Half my chemistry class didn't even know what atoms or molecules were when they entered the class. They are really struggling with the work/concepts...
  20. undalay

    Schooling and gaming

    It really depends how much you play, why you play, and how good you are at managing time.