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  1. undalay

    Question: Stuff Needed for Yr 12?

    You fail at life. Learn to sarcasm. You miss the point COMPLETELY. What your saying: Content is not important, you can just learn all the necessary stuff in year 12. Skills are important. You can/should build upon them. What i'm saying: Content is important, you can/should build upon them...
  2. undalay

    Question: Stuff Needed for Yr 12?

    You don't need shit for yr 12. How to write the essays? fuck that you can learn it in yr 12. The point is; knowing the year 11 content gives a considerable advantage. Eg If you study about the elizabethan context for othello in yr 11. You only need to revise it for king lear in yr 12. Year 11...
  3. undalay

    Question: Stuff Needed for Yr 12?

    Most of the required yr 11 content is quickly retaught in yr 12, but its a hassle and more work for you. Chemistry The chemical earth: Mainly just Different bonding types (covalents ionic metallic) Metal: Atomic radius, reactivities ? Water: Electronegativites, solutions, intermolecular forces...
  4. undalay


    What are you getting in 2u? I would think that math would be very useful in the IT industry...
  5. undalay


    Sorry i didn't really get your question :P If you mean, is prelim content tested in HSC, then no. However prelim knowledge greatly heaps understanding and is the groundwork for alot of material.
  6. undalay

    hsc extenstion 2 maths and maths query

    If you do 3 units of math: 2unit = 100 3unit = 50 if you do 4 unit: 2unit = 0 3unit = 100 4unit = 100 make sense :S ?
  7. undalay

    Chem help- water topic..

    Oxygen or O2 is nonpolar. The forces between O2 molecules are dispersion forces. Water or H2O is polar. The forces between H2O molecules are hydrogen bonds. However since the O2 has no dipole ( and thus basically no charge) there is no electrostatic attraction between the slightly positive...
  8. undalay

    To keep or chuck..

    4 unit english (certain) ecnomics (certain) Modern (certain) bio (certain) ext history (maybe) thats 11 units? you're sort. Drop chem and Math, no point doin subjects you don't like/do well in. With 11 you still have a little bit of flexibility and much more time to dedicate to other subjects.
  9. undalay

    Units for Yr 12: 13 or 11? 12 or 10?

    Re: 13 units or 11? I would definately do 11. 13... thats 30% more then you need to do. Kujah's idea to start at 13 is a good one, however i feel that you should definately drop down to 11 even if you can handle 13 units.
  10. undalay

    should i do ext 2!?!?!

    4u it.
  11. undalay

    Does anyone do EXTREMELY WELL in 4Umaths without a tutor?

    the answer seems obvious: ofcourse it is.
  12. undalay

    Chemistry, Physics or Bio prac test tips ?

    I'm pretty sure we don't do esters until next year. Anyone got a 10/10 prac report? With discussion and saftey and all included. I'll add a link if i find one. edit: Btw, anyone know what exactly goes in the discussion? and is safety before or after the method?
  13. undalay

    Preliminary physics: Electrical energy in the the home!

    um k, what prac results do you need? If you list them i'm suree it'll be easier for everyone :]
  14. undalay

    Preliminary physics: Electrical energy in the the home!

    If you want the experiments to prepare for a practical task; i think it would be better to ask someone from your school, as each school is different?
  15. undalay

    tutor for: advanced english, society & culture, business studies and ancient history

    Re: tutor for: advanced english, society & culture, business studies and ancient hist Omg It Rui
  16. undalay

    The necessity to make notes?

    I don't really write/use notes. Then again i'm doing alot of math and science, which is basically just applying basic concepts. Stuff like humanities that revolves around facts you might need notes? Mathematics, just do more questions.
  17. undalay


    then say its insoluble ? I think your teacher just wants very broad results? eg. Soluble, partially soluble, insoluble.
  18. undalay

    brief hazard analysis

    When reacting metals with water or acids, an exothermic reaction occurs. Meaning equipment can be hot if too much metal is reacted etc. Hydrogen is also produced which can be dangerous in certain situation, eg don't breathe it in directly. If the experiment tells you to test for hydrogen in a...