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  1. Bunny04

    anyone serious about a music career?

    that cellist isnt Yoshi by anychance Mike B? Lol
  2. Bunny04

    How many V drinks?

    yeah, but 1-2 tee hee, thats too early for me. at camps never get to sleep before about 4-5 am and then waking up for Trainning or Orchestra rehersal at like 7 Lol.. bad camps.. crap food, bad dormms, But fun.. :D
  3. Bunny04


    Curzon hall, lol.. we were going to have ours there, but ours is at a tiny resturant in the city..... The Curzon wouldnt let us have 22 people only
  4. Bunny04

    How many V drinks?

    oh yeah the multiple cans and bottles of coke, that kept me awake for a good 24 hrs once, at a swimming camp.. oh that was fun *memories * lol
  5. Bunny04

    SDD "Last Minute" Questions

    crikey, Headers. indicate the start of a block of data, they may specify how much data is to be transmitted, Header contain error Checking data. Trailers " indicate End of block of data, it helps the CPU to manage the data that it recives. Data for error checking may be included Body...
  6. Bunny04

    How many V drinks?

    48 hrs... darn, that would have been helpful the last two days to cram for SDD.. if only i took a berocca... damn Sleep.. damn SDD
  7. Bunny04

    First Post Im Still Cramming Hahahhaha

    damn... i dont know a thing 3 hrs before the exam and im cramming 2 years in to approx 2hrs
  8. Bunny04

    How many V drinks?

    4-6 a day! Whoa... thats a lot of V
  9. Bunny04

    will the exam be hard this year??

    GAH.... Oh by the way, does anyone KNow, if you fail the exam completley and utterly, but you have an Extension subject ( music Ext ) but you did really well, in SDD assessments, would they scrap your exam mark and use the 11th unit?
  10. Bunny04

    1 Unit Subjects.. Help

    Anyone doing a One unit subject ( like Extension ) I have 11 Units, 5 2 Units and Music Extension. If you flunk an exam, but do well in assessment, does that one unit, cover up the Failed exams?
  11. Bunny04

    Who has one of these?

    oh yeah. got the pile.. But its in my room upstairs, and aint going up, tis, very dangerous to venture into room, things everywhere.. literally everywhere
  12. Bunny04

    Which Option topic? Help!!!

    hardware, alot easier, i think...... since we havent studied, evolution.. wouldnt have a clue, but yeh Hardware all the way
  13. Bunny04

    ah...desk checking anyone....???

    eeekkk/ Still cant understand the Whole of the SDD course..
  14. Bunny04

    anyone serious about a music career?

    yay, more Con auditionees! lol.. Yeah, Last week of November or 1st Two weeks of december, auditions for Bmus Perf, con Syd.
  15. Bunny04

    who just does not give a f*ck anymore?

    oh yeah, yup.. dont give a damn bout hte HSC anymore, cant be bothered to study.. blah
  16. Bunny04

    think happy thoughts!

    Yup , same here, i burned mine the day of the exam
  17. Bunny04

    Are U Stressed For Sc?

    if you're doing yr 11-12 scrap the SC all together, unless trying for selective school in yr 11... then study, but i didnt study, maybe 2 hrs full stop, (( mind you, not much more study now lol )) and got band 6 for everything, including Sience which i failed in 7-10
  18. Bunny04

    so 1 day left

    it starts at 1.55? Mad! :D i thought it was another 9.25 YAY! :D but damn its 3 hrs... my concerntration span doesnt last that long.. crikey
  19. Bunny04

    The songs we get stuck in our heads

    Apart from cosmic girl, i have the Matrix Movie music.. that is annoying, used it for My Dance Composition and ever since the dance Prac exams, Its been stuck in my head.. dDAMn matrix
  20. Bunny04

    How many V drinks?

    2 a day.. for the last week