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  1. Bunny04

    arrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhh! One more day!

    yeah, no sleep for me... well probably at 6.30 am once logged out of the Students online . I will be staying up till 6 biting nails and drinking loads of coffee
  2. Bunny04

    arrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhh! One more day!

  3. Bunny04

    Please help - I've lost my PINs.
  4. Bunny04

    Please help - I've lost my PINs.

    Kooolies, the number for your HSC pin, should be on the front page of Students online
  5. Bunny04

    Result Nightmares, every night... but the thing is WeRE FINISHED

    maybe i should have just put other preferences and ignored my cello teacher.... Bah... but not changing it now, auditions are over
  6. Bunny04

    Result Nightmares, every night... but the thing is WeRE FINISHED

    cause my cello teacher said not to.. she said if i dont get into the course, there is no point hassling through deffering or transferring better of taking a year off to practice
  7. Bunny04

    Please help - I've lost my PINs.

    well you can enter your Pin, 3 times inncorectly and then Wait till they send you another Letter... thast what happened to me, i entered it incorrectly 3 times, and in 2 days they had sent me a new pin by letter... And call the number above For your UAC Pin..
  8. Bunny04

    Please help - I've lost my PINs.

    Call UAC To have your Pin Re issued on (o2) 9752 0200 You will be asked your name address Date of birth board of STudies student number and school name, and if the details do not match those held by UAC you will have to submit a written request to the UAC --- Got all this from that your UAC How...
  9. Bunny04

    The Da Vinci Code

    Its an Airport / plane book.... I garuntee that if you ever board a plane, you will see at least 3 or more people reading this book Personally think its over rated, Its a fIction novel... FICTION .. and its not that great... i read it in year 9 for english.. and got really bored towards teh 2nd...
  10. Bunny04

    Result Nightmares, every night... but the thing is WeRE FINISHED

    I know... darn the Long long waiting for the COn people.. i just want to find out .... I really really really wanna get in... cause otherwise im off for a year doing nothing.. my only preferance was Bmus Perf Con
  11. Bunny04

    Favourite Movies.

    list in no particular order Fellowship of the ring The Matrix ( the original, not the crappy 2nd and 3rd movies.. ugh ) Bridget jones 1 Love Actually Grease (1st movie) Team America World Police, ( not that great, but Funny tee hee) centre stage ( go the dancing ) Star Wars episode IV...
  12. Bunny04

    Result Nightmares, every night... but the thing is WeRE FINISHED

    meep... all i want to do is get into the Con, but eeekkk you need a 70 at least.. and i keep dreaming of like a 50-55 Gah... now im hoping to get in based on Audition and Music Skills test *bites nails*
  13. Bunny04

    Australian Idol 2004

    meeeepppp no more aussie idol please..... gah
  14. Bunny04

    Team America: World Police

    Team america was Funny.. very funny... The songs... and yeah in America its R rated and all for a freaking Puppet scene... THERE PUPPETS for Crying out loud.. Matt Damon...tee hee he was funny "DURKA Durka Durka "
  15. Bunny04

    Result Nightmares, every night... but the thing is WeRE FINISHED

    Strange isnt it... its done and we cant really do anythign about it, but the continuous nightmares keep hitting me... like the 50 UAI and failing every HSC subject Exam.. Anyone else have this * Continues to bite nails*
  16. Bunny04

    Performance Length/Total Time

    nope 15 cause if you do performance in Music 2 And Extension it totals to a 40 minute exam time plus Sight Singing *shudders* I haAAATTEEEE Sight singing, but it is easy.. meh
  17. Bunny04

    Already know their results...

    the thing is... who really wants to find out... 2 or 3 days before the reults are published... why?
  18. Bunny04

    Performance Length/Total Time

    5 mins max for Core, 15 mins for Elective Music 2 Performance 20 mins alltogether for Extension pieces
  19. Bunny04

    Student Online Website

    I accidently put in my pin wrongly 3 times, but I didnt call or Email BOS students online, but they sent it to me anyways, i think it is automatically checked, and if youre pin is incorrect they will send you a new form... well thats what happened to me