Search results

  1. M

    Which Subjects Will You Be Doing?

    Thanks Riviet and Kid.@dmin for your well wishes, I hope you two (and everyone else in the class of '06) make the most of your last year of school also :) Well, I'm doing: Adv English Maths Ext Biology Chemistry Economics and Business Studies And MissMoo, I'm not sure if there's...
  2. M

    Official : Whats the worste thing a student has done to a TEACHER!

    There's this teacher at my school who isn't the most favoured one so lots of people are mean to her. The little kids throw spitballs in her 'wig' and try to pull it off and the older kids pretend to ask her out. I feel sorry for her so I sometimes talk to her about food and books and stuff...
  3. M

    Weird things that have happened at your work!!

    This was at my parent's work, not what the thread asked but anyhoo. My dad was on lunch break so he went down to the Coles level at Westfields Chatswood and then a woman (I think) jumped / or tripped off level 7 down to ground floor and hit another person who was sitting at the coffee shop. I...
  4. M

    covers that are better than the original?

    Heaven and Boys of Summer by Dj Sammy
  5. M

    Who got What? -Results for SC

    Yeah, I'm not sure how but I remember studying really hard for English, just past papers I think. Wow, you've got great marks, congrats!:D Those results and your mum complains? When my mum complains about my marks (when I think I did well) I'll just smile and say "I love you too mum" huge smile...
  6. M

    Assumed Knowledge Assignments

    Dude, nothing compared to what we've got. (Brace yourself for an impending shock, lol, maybe not). 13 worksheets on the the 4th core topic to finish in a term and a half. 3 questions plus an experiment already takes 2 1/2 pages (with my med-sized writing) and each worksheet has an average of...
  7. M

    Modern Hardcore Fans

    Those band names sound scary, evil and murderous. I don't see much difference between emo and this type of hardcore either. Aren't they both concerned with death and blood and cutting and stuff? *an assumption in reference to the band names*
  8. M

    Assumed Knowledge Assignments

    My one's aren't assumed knowledge but I've started year 11 for rollover and I've got a major Biology assignment for an entire core unit (-_-") and a topic for ext 1 maths. Teachers must think we're superheroes or something. What's your Bio one about? Man, my teacher goes if we don't finish it...
  9. M

    Who got What? -Results for SC

    I have lost count at how many times someone has said this sentence in some form or another. It should be stickied up in every sc thread next year to save those poor miserable souls from the horror and destruction of the sc aftermath. Lol, long words -_-"
  10. M

    Boxing Day Sales

    ^My mum did and bought me some shirts. Yay! I'm afraid I'm not much of a clothing shopper - Books all the way for me!
  11. M

    Who got What? -Results for SC

    Yay! *hi 5!*holds hands and dances* We two are now living proof that miracles do happen...with study ofcourse :D It makes me wonder, what if an individual was not up to scratch in year 11 for advanced? Are they gonna make the person keep it till the end of the year? Ext 1 English at my...
  12. M

    Sc Science Section 2

    Congrats Yinyin, 87 is good, not as marvellous as a band 6 (obviously) but still pretty top-notch.
  13. M

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    Jones & Couchman Book 2 and my teacher photocopies sheets from Maths in Focus. I hate how the book doesn't give full answers - esp circle geometry! *curses book*
  14. M

    Ever got into a fight?

    Ahaha! Your mum is the coolest! :D Well, I don't get into physical fights since I'm pretty small so I attack people with sarcastic comments. But they kind of take it personally and start swearing at me. In year 9, a boy once tried to throw a chair at me. It was pretty scary, he had evil eyes...
  15. M

    iPod battery sucks hardcore

    I've even resorted to wrapping cling wrap over mine - I wouldn't want the wheel to go grey lol, I sound crazy. But yeah, I've had it since last year and it still works fine with me. I only listen to it in bed. My friends claim their USB's won't work, dents, scratches blah blah and they've just...
  16. M

    Biology Text Book

    Are the Macquarie ones better than Excel? I heard they were (for some subjects). Are there any specific reasons or is it a matter of preference?
  17. M

    House M.D.

    Ahaha, he'd totally pass with flying colours wouldn't he?
  18. M

    The Human Body

  19. M

    Scrubs season 4
