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  1. M

    Best Song 2003 ( so far!)

  2. M

    So, whens everyone finsihing Year 10???

    Neither did we -_- we did get lots of h/w though, but i guess that doesn't really count. Bleh, lame.
  3. M

    Post up your wishlists!

    Great series. - Shadows of the Wind - Bridget Jone's Diary by Helen Fielding - Atonement by Ian McEwan - Chain of Hearts by Maureen McCarthy - Checkers by John Marsden - Cloudstreet by Tim Winton (i never really liked his books but this seems interesting) - Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffeneger
  4. M

    Favourite Character?

  5. M

    Ten Extra Marks!!!!!

    Same, I just zip though mc but writing long stuff hurts my head since I'm pretty much crap at it. -_- How much is ten million millicents anyway?
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    Sc Exam Thoughts

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    Sc Exam Thoughts

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    Sc Exam Thoughts

    Sure, when i get your email though, obviously. :)
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    Sc Exam Thoughts

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    Sc Exam Thoughts

  11. M

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    Maybe they thought harder than they were supposed to? For example if you were asked a simple pattern question, you ended up using an^n-1? Sounds lame but that's what happened to the students in my class after we did the 2U hsc and also the maths sc.
  12. M

    Ten Extra Marks!!!!!

    There's a teacher at my school marking the science exam. You can get the '05 exams from ur teachers (if they happened to have a copy and were willing to copy it for you). And, i thought the english one was quite hard but fun to do minus the editorial though. *curses editorial* Maths and science...
  13. M

    Yr10 Formals

    This isn't really what the thread asked but anyhoo, my school's not having a formal since they say "over 90% of yr 10s go to yr 11 anyway" and there was this other student who tried to organise it and like only 10 people are going to hers, lol. How lame.
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    Sc Exam Thoughts

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    Sc Exam Thoughts

  16. M

    Sc Exam Thoughts

    Hey, late 80s and early 90s aren't that bad, it's still band 5 or 6 right? Hoping too high might get you disappointed.