Search results

  1. davidbarnes

    2 Projectile motion Q's

    “A rocket initially on the ground, aimed at an angle of 15.0 degrees from the horizontal was in the air 3.0 s before falling back to the ground.” What was its original speed? - Are we even given enough information to solve this? “A launcher sent a...
  2. davidbarnes

    biopolymer assignment: Polyhydroxybutyrate.....PLZ HELP

    try the search feaure of the forum.
  3. davidbarnes

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    When you fall asleep at 4 am while reading the physics textbook lol. Just after 4 thsi morning was reading it all good, woke up at 7 with books, everything around me. When you watch every sapce shuttle launch/landing through NASA TV. Next one launched Wed (or is it Thurs) altohguh at 8:31 Am...
  4. davidbarnes

    Volume/Gas Calculation.

    Thanks Forbidden, seems pretty simple after-all.
  5. davidbarnes

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    Don't get No.8 at all or No. 9 really, oteers are pretty good thoguh.
  6. davidbarnes

    Volume/Gas Calculation.

    a) "Calculate the mass of carbon dioxie formed from 30g of glucose (assuming that all glucose has fermented)." I worked out the mass of carbon dioxide formed to be 14.5g. b) "What volume will the above mass of carbon dioxide occupy at 25 degrees celcius?". I have no idea how to do the above...
  7. davidbarnes

    The Content of Bridging Courses

    MORRIS LEMMA IS NOT AUSTRLIA'S WORST PREMIER!!! WE HAVE A TRANSPORT SYSTEM, HEALTH SYSTEM, AND ECUATION SYSTEM THAT BEATS A HECK OF A LOT OF OTHER STATES?COUNTRIES!!! Back on topic, are all bridging sourses the same length in tiem? E.g does Maths Extension takes longer than say general maths?
  8. davidbarnes

    yr 12 subjects.. what should i do?

    How the hell did you, a 6 year old bluff you're into Year 12?
  9. davidbarnes

    Can we Compare Infinity?

    Infinity + K... where K is a constant...
  10. davidbarnes


    Re: Band six quality HSC notes I emaield you.
  11. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Double physics - prac E&E Science - nothing English - notes Rest of day was graduation.
  12. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    What exactly was the prac?
  13. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Double maths - Simpsons rule Double geography - notes E&E Science- nothing Chemistry - Inonci equations/oxidation states
  14. davidbarnes

    Entertainment Industry

    Entertainment has got to be the crappest subject designed for deabeats, bludgers and losers without half a brain between them.
  15. davidbarnes

    I Need Motivation

  16. davidbarnes

    Whens your last day?

    21st of December is when we finish I believe.
  17. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    What topics was it (3U test) on?
  18. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Had double English today - readings, Physics - prac, Maths - trapezoidal rule.
  19. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    What was it on?