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  1. davidbarnes

    Maquarie Online Test (HSC) - Chemistry

    Thanks Forbidden.
  2. davidbarnes

    Geometrical applications of calculus q's

    Got a few qustions I can't answer and would like some help as to how to solve these. 1. "A piece of wire 10m long is broken into two parts, which are bent into the shape of a rectangle and a square. Find the dimensions x and y that make the total area a minimum." 2. "A silo in the shape of a...
  3. davidbarnes

    Yr 11 general maths practise exam

    Small few at
  4. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Earth & Enviromental Science - Done activity, bludged. 2nd Period: Earth & Enviromental Science - Done activity, bludged. 3rd Period: English - Looked at past essay response. 4th Period: Geography - Notes. 5th Period: Maths - Logic calculus/geometry problems. 6th Period...
  5. davidbarnes

    ethanol help!!

    Can you pelase explain what an "honour" project exactly is.
  6. davidbarnes

    Senior Geography Project

    Is DEC distance education? I got like 85% I think for mine, althoghu IMO it was crap. What is 'IBIS trends;?
  7. davidbarnes

    List of books to read after the HSC..?

    Might finally get around to reading book 6/7 of Harry Potter, and The Davinci Code, as well as any Tom Clancy/Ludlum ,etc novels I ain't read yet.
  8. davidbarnes

    Are you dropping out?

    Drops outs are exactly that, drop kick retards who couldn't hack it. 99% of then will end up working in repair shops, retail, supermarkets or labouring. The other 1% might just succeed with innovation and creativity.
  9. davidbarnes

    Studying for Business Studies

    Re: death. Meh if yo ucan get 70% without studing, you should actually try and maybe get 90%, etc. No point doing the subject if your not going to try your best.
  10. davidbarnes

    GBR Height above sea level

    I don't know, although the teacher says it is.
  11. davidbarnes

    Dept. Education Portal Help or Hinder???

    Its a help. Better than no internet at all, imagine what it was like pre 1991 when the net was invented then pre 1995 before most schools probably got it Sing your praise for Tim Berners Lee!
  12. davidbarnes

    Fav Subject

    Probably Physics, or maybe even maths. Subjects liek Drama, Studies or religion, family studies, and music are piss easy and in my opnion shouldn't even be real subjects!!!
  13. davidbarnes

    Alkene/Alkane Prac

    Whats the differernce between cyclic and acyclic?
  14. davidbarnes

    Subject help !

    Kep physics if you want to keep your options open.
  15. davidbarnes

    To Drop or not to drop?

    What is wrong with the Maths in Forcus book?
  16. davidbarnes

    To Drop or not to drop?

    Why not just continue with it and see how it goes?
  17. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Chem - Prac 2nd Period: Chem - Fermentation 3rd Period: Free - Maths 4th Period: Maths - Calculus 5th Period: Physics - Notes 6th Period: Maths - Quadratics
  18. davidbarnes

    Federal election - Predictions

    I say "Landslide Labor victory, Howard holds Bennelong'. Guess we'll know soon enough.
  19. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    We're doing that fermentation prac next week, whats so confusing about it?
  20. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Physics - notes 2nd Period: Physics - notes 3rd Period: Earth & Enviroemtnal science - notes again 4th Period: English - historical reading 5th Period: Physics - notes (all on projectiel motion) 6th Period: Geography