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  1. davidbarnes

    *Sigh* Does anyone else have the same subject combo as me?

    I'm doing first 5, although instead of music I am doing Geography and Earth & Enviromental Science.
  2. davidbarnes

    Test your knowledge !!!

    What is a transuranic element? I don't think we covered that.
  3. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Double E&E Science - didn't do much, done one activity. English - copied notes Maths - Drawing primitive function graphs Chem - Started electrochemistry (fun.....) Geography - Still ecosystems
  4. davidbarnes

    Projectile questions

    Heres a really stupid question. If a projectile is dropped from a plane flying 140 m s^-1, what is its inital velocity. Is it 0 m s^-1 or is it 140 m s^-1?
  5. davidbarnes

    yr 12 subjects.. what should i do?

    I'd keep the mall and just try to apply yourself some mroe in PE.
  6. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Natalie was more attractive anyway :)
  7. davidbarnes

    Projectile questions

    Thankyou Forbidden that is great, and that diagram certainly helps a lot.
  8. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Chem - prac, seeing how much energy is used per mole for alcohols burth, e.g methanol, ethanol, etc. 2nd Period: Chem - prac, seeing how much energy is used per mole for alcohols burth, e.g methanol, ethanol, etc. 3rd Period: Free - tried to do Physcis probems, couldn't do them...
  9. davidbarnes

    What should I drop?

    I'd defiantly keep your maths and drop either german or History.
  10. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Why do you have to submit your notes to your teacher?
  11. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Physics - answered 6 questions. 2nd Period: Physics - nothing. 3rd Period: E&E Science - Watched The Simpsons on smartboard. 4th Period: English - took notes. 5th Period: Free - Wrote E&E notes. 6th Period: Geography - took notes. __________________
  12. davidbarnes

    Projectile questions

    Its late and I'm tired and I just can't seem to solve these 2 problems and get the books asnwers (listed below). So can somone pelase explain how to solve these, etc as I'm doing something wrong or overlooking something. 1. "A volley ball player sets the ball for a team mate. In doing so she...
  13. davidbarnes

    Vertical Exaggeration!

    VE is quite easy. If you don't have a textbook handy have a look at the site which is pretty good. If you need mroe help just reply and I'll be happy to help you.
  14. davidbarnes

    Geometrical applications of calculus q's

    Thank allex. However I've got a couple of other ones I cna't get out either, with Q1 I'm not really sure how to go about this, and with Q2, I just can't seem to get the right answer. "1. A 3 m piece of wire is cut into two pieces and bent around to form a square and a circle. Find the size of...
  15. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Free - Maths Homework/English 2nd Period: Maths - hard gemoetrical applications of calculus 3rd Period: Physics - Wrote a page of notes, then tried to invent a formula to predict life expectancy, lol. 4th Period: English - Looked at past essay reponeses 5th Period: English -...
  16. davidbarnes

    What u planning to do in summer holidays?

    I've got to learn the prelimiary maths course.
  17. davidbarnes

    Approved calculators.

    It could be doen fairly easily.
  18. davidbarnes

    Maquarie Online Test (HSC) - Physics

    Thanks again Forbidden. To anyonwe who dowloads these, I suggest you rename the file to include the password to open the file, e.g 2Physics_gravity, so in a months time you'll knwo hte password to open the file.