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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Question that doesn't give you the radius of earth

    But the 2 formulae you need to equate to come to that equation are definitely in the formula sheet =) Of course the teacher will not give you full marks, as your answer is incorrect. I'm sure your teacher has said it a thousand times before, that altitude does not include the radius of the...
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need clarification on any concepts for your Half Yearly Examination? -- Ask a teacher

    If you are struggling to understand something in Physics, ask it in here. I will try to respond to any questions within 24hours =) ( I may not be as quick on the weekend.. teachers actually do have lives too :spin: ) If you don't want to ask it in here, PM me and i'll answer any of your...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst


    True, but the experiment itself is actually an approximation of simple harmonic motion. The approximation only holds true for small angles (less than about 10degrees from horizontal), and as long as the tension in the string can be maintained. i.e., if you have a 50g mass for one length and a...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst


    The angle to the vertical at which you hold the mass. The mass itself. The string definately (different materials have different elasticities etc...) For the second experiment controlled variables could be size of current/voltage source, length of Al strip, strength of magnetic fields...
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    Three Phase AC generators

    awesome! :) Thanks for saying thanks! =)
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Question about Lenz's Law

    no probs! :) Thank you for saying "thank you" :)
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Three Phase AC generators

    The output of a DC generator is not a true DC signal, it is merely a full-wave rectified AC signal (i.e., absolute value of an AC graph) Real DC generators generally have 3 coils, 120degrees out of phase with eachother and each coil hooked up to a part of a multi-part commutator and the...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Question that doesn't give you the radius of earth

    Really, they should gove it to you in the question as it is not in the data sheet. However, you can work it out from other constants given in the data sheet. Use g = GM/r^2
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Question about Lenz's Law

    When a generator turns in a magnetic field, it experiences a change in flux This change in flux induces an EMF A current will only flow through the coils in the generator if the generator is connected as part of a circuit (i.e., has a load) When the induced current flows it creates a...
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Someone explain the graph of induced emf vs time graph please? :)

    at (i) Plane of coil is perpendicular to B-field (at this point flux is maximum and induced EMF is zero) (ii) Plane of coil is parallel to B-field (flux is zero and induced EMF is maximum -- as flux is decreasing, EMF must be positive maximum as E = -n(dBA)/dt) (iii) Plane of coil perpendicular...
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    Quick question on Michael Faraday

    IMO its best to know 5 experiments which he did - Wood Block - Glass Tube with Iron Nail - Iron Ring - Moving Magnet - Copper Disc I have seen questions asked in trial examinations requiring you to outline Faradays discovery, referring to relevant experiments (worth 5 marks), needing you to...
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    The Student's Guide to HSC Physics

    I can vouch for the quality of these notes, having obtained a licence through a school I worked at a couple of years back. Great stuff! Concise, easy to understand. Goodluck with ur PhD!
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Where are you guys upto at school?

    ? :)
  14. Fizzy_Cyst


    The assumptions made with this question are well documented in the syallbus and data sheet (i.e., GALILEOS analysis of projectile motion, g=9.8ms^-2) This is a good quantitative question because the syllabus does not leave the question open to interpretation. There is only ONE correct answer...
  15. Fizzy_Cyst


    I understand what u r saying, but im not a fan of assumptions, particularly when they alter the answers. Is the string perfectly stiff? Ifso, yes the string will have properties as said. If the string is elastic, the answer changes again. I mean, if we can debate the question amongst ourselves...
  16. Fizzy_Cyst


    The question u originally asked is ambiguous, it has 3 possible answers. Even with the addition of other assumptions, there are still 2 possible answers which I explained if u read my entire post. If I didnt explain clearly, my excuse is it has been 10yrs :-) I often teach outside the syllabus...
  17. Fizzy_Cyst


    I agree with your answer ONLY if the rope is accelerating. As such you could define the length of the rope 'L' and define the tension at any point as a function of length, which would be 20-5(x/L) where x is the distance from the 20N point and L is the length of rope assuming constant density...
  18. Fizzy_Cyst


    I fail to see how the maximum tension could not be 15N? If the wire is accelerating, the tension in the wire will actually vary throughout the wire, even if of uniform density :\ iirc Maximum tension should be the same magnitude as the lowest reaction force, which in this question is 15N...
  19. Fizzy_Cyst


    Whilst it is possible, you really would need to attribute certain conditions to the long rope in order to get a 'proper' answer. In Stage 6 Physics, we assume that ropes/strings and the like are ideal, i.e., always massless, taut and not encountering any resistive forces, and hence the physics...
  20. Fizzy_Cyst

    2010 HSC question

    Hello little brother. Here are my thoughts: The angle that the string is subtending to the vertical is less than 45degrees, therefore this means that acceleration due to gravity > acceleration of the train k02033: Youve got ur eqns around the wrong way, It should be Tsin@ - ma = 0 and TCos@...