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  1. _dhj_

    Which University is good for B Law/(something)

    Read my post above the one you quoted. ;) And what are you doing in a law thread mate? :p
  2. _dhj_

    Which University is good for B Law/(something)

    ?? uai cutoff is an indication of demand, which is surely linked with the level of the prestige of the degree. i think it's about as objective as an indicator for prestige can get.
  3. _dhj_

    Which University is good for B Law/(something)

    Yep I can see that based on the entrance uai, taking into account its distance from Sydney, ANU is regarded as a relatively prestigous law school.
  4. _dhj_

    Which University is good for B Law/(something)

    This is a bit of an open question as there are many factors that influence individual decisions. but for NSW & ACT: first tier: USyd, UNSW second tier: ANU, UTS, UOW third tier: Maq, UWS, other unis ...from my uninformed perspective in regard to the second issue: you should answer that yourself.
  5. _dhj_

    Is the federal Coalition government in decline: consequences?

    The government will definately lose power eventually like every other government in history. But unfortunately that time hasn't come yet.
  6. _dhj_

    BComm at which unis??

    it's the big question though. :D which one is betteR?
  7. _dhj_

    Why so many finance majors in Com/Law?

    Because accounting doesn't sound as prestigous. It's all about the prestige...
  8. _dhj_

    International Business, as a major or degree?

    Sounds a bit out there. Philosophy is probably more useful.
  9. _dhj_

    International Business, as a major or degree?

    What exactly is International Business??
  10. _dhj_


    you're just saying that cos u don't have it anymore kekekekekeke... let's secks.
  11. _dhj_

    Best Economics Textbook

    The Dixon & O'Mahoney is superb. I would also recommend the Bulmar textbooks for more in depth information. For up to date statistics and economic developments the Leading Edge monthly updates can be quite helpful. If you have time, select some economist quotes from newspapers to incorporate...
  12. _dhj_

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    Wrong. You can speak fluent English without abandoning asian culture. You sound like a noob banana, which is as stereotypical as the fobby asian.
  13. _dhj_

    International Movies!

    In general, good movies can be filmed anywhere, but having to read subtitles can detract from the visual experience of cinema. Having said that, foreign languages (such as French) in films can sound quite exotic. :)
  14. _dhj_

    Australian uranium and China

    We have them because humanity makes sense.
  15. _dhj_

    Australian uranium and China

    Chinese leadership is too weak. They should just bomb taiwan already. What are nukes for if you can't put them to good use? Yes. Aussies. You know.. as in Australians.
  16. _dhj_

    Torn between 2! Need advice or help!

    Go for S. That is all.
  17. _dhj_

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    Year 12 was awesome. You get to feel important while not actually having to work that hard.
  18. _dhj_

    do you think law and law enforcement on drugs in australia is lenient...

    Depends. It's quite a practical question rather than an ethical one. I don't think Australia has particularly bad drug problems in comparison with other countries though.
  19. _dhj_

    terrorist attack poll

    Who didn't? ;) Yep. e.g. However tough Howard wants to get on terror, Beazley will simply claim to be even tougher. Don't worry though. Political dynasties can never last forever, and when we are in our older years, the left will return to power.
  20. _dhj_

    terrorist attack poll

    What are you talking about a terrorist attack in Australia is a good thing for John Howard it unites the nation behind him and diverts attention from the IR "reforms". John Howard would not mind a terrorist attack one bit.