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  1. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israel killed 155 Terrorists in Gaza Airstrike Classic. From the guy with Adolf Hitler on his avatar
  2. Omium

    Best University Atmosphere

    Wtf? UTS is actually very nice, Its RIGHT next to central station, (IDEAL location.) THe Building looks pretty good and its very spacious and wide. (inside the building).
  3. Omium

    Mugabe laughs while his people die

    Re: Robert Mugabe is a troll Interesting :fish: :snowman:
  4. Omium

    ATTEN all 2nd years and above, ie No HSC leavers..are gen ed now ALL 6 units in 2009?

    Hi Helen, I guess some are and some arent?? :bomb:
  5. Omium

    Commerce (International)?

    08'er : Whats a degree?
  6. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    No0ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I have two 9am starts. It better not be like last year where the lines were ALL the way back to the tunnel.
  7. Omium

    UAC is a fraud!

    Your a fucken scum
  8. Omium

    engineering at UWS without HSC physics?

    If you ask any student they will tell you HSC physics does more harm than good Preliminary Year 11 Physics is more relevant to uni
  9. Omium

    Need help deciding Uni..plz people with uni EXP

    The worst thing you can say is "My UAI is going to waste"
  10. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Re: 回复: Re: What you hate about UNSW true. I remember seeing some idiot casually wondering along walking past the 80 metre line and then suddenly jumped onto a bus
  11. Omium

    UNSW auto timetabling program

    This timetable thing is effin AWESOME
  12. Omium

    WHATS THE UAI FOR Commerce/Law - 4733?

    :eek: I just had a eureka moment............. Look in the UAC book.
  13. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    This should really be a thread on its own, (Should be stickied too)
  14. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    lol, I remember, every day for about 3-4 weeks i would have to analyse the big map thingys to find my classes and there were also around 4-5 people doing the same. Good times :snowman:
  15. Omium

    CityRail on brink of collapse

    :jedi: Whats up with all these new smilies ....
  16. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: general UNSW chit-chat In the morning i.e. 8am-9am its very good Any other time its absolutely crap. The worst part is getting home though, the buses are crap and take forever. Hey i just got facebook how do i add UNSW engineering?
  17. Omium

    is human civilisation better than dinosaurs of the past?

    Re: 回复: is human civilisation better than dinosaurs of the past? lol :pirate:
  18. Omium

    is human civilisation better than dinosaurs of the past?

    Dinosaurs dont exist its all just a big hoax, ( i got inside information) T-rex was just an oversized cow and the velociraptor was just a squirrel
  19. Omium

    is human civilisation better than dinosaurs of the past?

    Yo man it l'ready happen'n in the ghetto banxtown cuz, representn 2410. peace