Search results

  1. K


    memorising is difficult ~ i jst study study study....
  2. K

    Science Competition

    omg i never got a distinction for science ... OMFG !
  3. K

    does skewl suck??

    -_-" the poll is not fair lolz
  4. K

    a question... abt english

    what school do you go to tennile?
  5. K

    a question... abt english

    LOL ! how can anyone get a uai of around 30 ! i would kill myself if i get that mark !
  6. K

    a question... abt english

    i'm a confused on how the uai is calculated, is it just like the school certificate where everyone starts with 50 and they go up ?
  7. K

    does skewl suck??

    school roks!
  8. K

    How did you find/hear about us?

    i cant remember how i got to bored of studies prolly from the board of studies site
  9. K

    a question... abt english

    yea same here with economics.... i hate it , but i'm getting good marks.... only if i liked eco, i would ace the subject
  10. K

    2002 UAI's

    so many good results !
  11. K

    how are u coping

    yeap... good habit... start young...
  12. K

    Our own board

    it's so hard to understand how the UAI is calculated -_-"
  13. K

    How are u coping??

    skool's alright i guess
  14. K

    What school do you go to?

    i go to all guyz school... kinda sux.. LOL
  15. K

    4 unit maths

    is 4 unit maths hard? because i want to choose it for year 12
  16. K

    a question... abt english

    you do a lot of shakespeare stuff in ext english dont you?
  17. K

    Fave subject???

    go MATHS!
  18. K

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    i dont know how some people can possibly study 24/7
  19. K

    Wat Subjects Do U Do???

    (i'm in yr 11) stand eng biology chemistry economics 3u maths 1u studies of religion
  20. K

    School / Subject

    yep ! bored of studies is so koooool !~ keep up with the good work ! i go homebush boys high ...