Search results

  1. K

    Best prelim physics textbook?

    i bought chemistry preliminary excel, that was because my teacher sucked and couldnt teach
  2. K

    Yr Ten Is Are Bludge!

    year 10 was the biggest bludge, SC... omg... waste of time
  3. K

    Do you agree....

    umm , i think it's best if u agree, unless ur a genius and u can argue ur points in the 'disagree' view really well
  4. K

    Are these the best days of our lives??

    year 12 will be memorable
  5. K

    I Need To Find A Site With Hsc Summaries On It

    just make ur own summaries dude ! u'll get more out of it
  6. K

    How are u coping??

    year 11, what a breeze
  7. K

    Study Hours

    lol , i'm in yr 11 trying to study 5 hours a day ~ but by the time i come home, i'm too tired, i do average 4 hours a day
  8. K

    subjects for yr 12

    10 units for me it'll be when i'm in yr 12
  9. K

    NO working

    why cram all the learning for yr 12 while u can start now ?
  10. K

    a question... abt english

    ummm nevermind ~ the list thingy on the left doesnt appear right with "opera" but works with "internet explorer"... whoops
  11. K

    a question... abt english

    the bored of studies collects 'notes' from students... where are those notes?? i cant find it anywhere on the site...
  12. K

    a question... abt english

    well ... if the baord of studies says students are allowed to change from standard to advanced for yr 12.... it's not fair to have teachers stopping us from doing adv !
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    a question... abt english

    what school you go to grk_styl ?? seems to me that quite a lot of schools dont allow students to change stand to adv english .... !!!
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    a question... abt english

    I think it's worth changing to advance English coz then... u can aim for band 6
  15. K

    a question... abt english

    maths is pretty simple isnt it? jst understanding formulas and stuff.... unlike english.... to get good marks, u basically gotta know the words in the whole dictionary
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    a question... abt english

    so how come english is the only compulsory subject? why not mathematics?
  17. K


    LoL ~ making notes is not fun !
  18. K

    a question... abt english

    HomeBush Boys High
  19. K

    a question... abt english

    o really? well i heard that a person in my school is doing 4 unit maths when he totally failed 3 unit maths in his preliminary
  20. K

    a question... abt english

    i was jst wondering... for the people who are getting above 80% for 3unit maths tests (preliminary i'm talkin about) is that good enuf to go ahead and do 4 unit maths for yr 12?