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  1. K

    The Prelim msn list....

    4 unit english ?!? f*k ur crazy !
  2. K

    Maths! 2u

    Are u sure your friend got about 89? coz general maths and standard english have a horrible decrease scaling...
  3. K

    Maths! 2u

    Of course u can get uai about 90's with 2unit maths, it's even got a decent scaling...
  4. K

    Multimedia - UAI course?

    i have no idea a few of my friends say Multimedia is a "new" subject for 2004 HSC while others say it doesnt count towards UAI mark. *shruggs shoulders
  5. K

    The Prelim msn list....

    my subjects for yr 12 are biology, chemistry, stand eng and 4 unit maths, anyone with similar subjects, plz add me
  6. K

    Multimedia - UAI course?

    how do you know multimedia doesnt count towards the UAI mark ryan ? what site did u check ?
  7. K

    Where to STUDY?

    what about dinner ?!?
  8. K

    Multimedia - UAI course?

    Multimedia - HSC course? One of my friends wants to do Multimedia for yr 12 but is multimedia a HSC course because it's NOT in the boardofstudies subject list, but my school is teaching it for yr 12. So my question is, does Multimedia count any marks towards the UAI?
  9. K

    Study Hours

    i "study study" as in trying to get something out from what i'm trying to learn
  10. K

    Study Hours

    juss weird ... =P
  11. K

    LIFE'S hard is gonna get ...

    i agree with u Jesus... playing fighting games really relieves stress
  12. K

    Where to STUDY?

    i study in my room ... library sux ~ jst dont feel right
  13. K

    What type of person are you????

    what's a "hermaphrodite" ?
  14. K


    lol... stuff the timetables !
  15. K

    12 Units for yr 12? or just 10?

    i'm doing 10 , and i am not a bludger !
  16. K

    The Prelim msn list....
  17. K

    What subjects are you doing?

    Slimeboy, u cant be serious about dropping maths can u ?
  18. K


    timetables are waste of time making, i cant seem to follow them
  19. K

    School / Subject

    Homebush Boys High
  20. K

    are u happy with ur subjects?

    i shouldve done adv english instead of stand , ARGH !