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  1. K

    crap I cant remmeber

    so he gets to take a laptop into the exam room?!?
  2. K

    How did you find/hear about us?

    i found it at google
  3. K

    Anyone Motivated??

    good marks keep me motivated, bad marks make me cry
  4. K

    physics and chemistry textbooks

    and u manage to read all that ?!?
  5. K

    physics and chemistry textbooks

    Are the Excel chemistry and biology any good?
  6. K

    School Ranks!!

    woohoo , my school jst made it into the list
  7. K

    healthy food

    omg u are so lucky... i would play DDR there everyday if i went to ur school
  8. K

    I am in year 11 and l want to change schools....should l?

    yea make a fresh start ~
  9. K

    chemistry! Help pls??

    I guess note taking during spare time is considered "revision"... when it comes to year 12, i think notes/summaries are important for easy reference instead or reviewing the entire textbook ~
  10. K

    chemistry! Help pls??

    well for me, making notes is too time consuming and i understand more when i answer questions. Notetaking is should be done during classes... revision and practise questions i do at home... well this strategy works for me...
  11. K

    chemistry! Help pls??

    writing notes for chem is a waste of time because there are summaries in textbooks (eg "key points" in Chemistry Context textbook) that are already done for you... and especially if u have Excel. I'd rather spend my time practising questions rather making repetitive notes.
  12. K

    Omg Tenillle

    inbox full of p0rn?
  13. K

    The Prelim msn list....

    what the hell, 14 units ?!? why so much ?!
  14. K

    how are u coping

    my prelim exams in week 8
  15. K

    Where to STUDY?

    why go to "state library" when u can go to ur local library ?
  16. K

    i hate hSC

    yea, those people are so stewpid.... trying to scab a few extra marks... pfft big deal !
  17. K

    12 Units for yr 12? or just 10?

    yea but an extra 2 unit will mean 20% more work, which i would rather do 10 units and spend time on my weaker subjects
  18. K

    The Prelim msn list....

    omg advanced english is already tough ~ i cant imagine extension 2 work !!!
  19. K

    how are u coping

    You shouldve dropped out after the school certificate then
  20. K

    Maths! 2u

    well i think ur friend didnt do well in those extension subjects and they were too hard for him/her to handle. *The friend of yours who did general maths and standard eng, what year did he do his HSC ?