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  1. wrxsti

    Weird Nuclear Question..

    your getting a little too old (beta particle is an electron)
  2. wrxsti

    John Howard: "Millions of Aussies won't say sorry to Aboriginals"

    Its a symbolic thing, they were persecuted killed tortured etc. I remember my history teacher saying something like.... if johnny says sorry its as though he is admitting guilt and the Aboriginals would be able to Sue the federal government for all their worth.... (Year 10 history lolz)
  3. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    make a new thread; for this history stuff :)
  4. wrxsti

    Freaking Out...

    Memorise pre written essays.... change the start and beginning of every few paragraphs to make it "suit" the question and viola BAND 6 !! P.S. ill get back to you if this works....
  5. wrxsti

    Weird Nuclear Question..

    1) a radioisotope emits a Beta Particle. Which of the following properties would decrease? a) Atomic Number b) Number of protons c) Number of neutrons d) Number of electrons The Answer apparently is "c" I got either "a" or "b" since they are pretty much the same thing..... If the answer...
  6. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    actually i do read the me distinct evidence of his faults mentioned in the QURAN. edit: and with verse/surah quoted so i can check that your anti-islamic and islamaphobic/racist websites have the correct information
  7. wrxsti

    Game Over

    4 days to go.. tick tock tick tock tick tock.. Anyone feeling the heat?
  8. wrxsti

    how hard to get a 90?

    WHAT ? ! ? ! ?! ?! ? !? 4% ? Edit: just checked... its 5% not that it really makes a difference :(
  9. wrxsti

    ugly girl seeks help with prac for waterways ;) LOL no but seriously. HELP =(

    Hello hello.... you got my attention with that thread name... (if you got low self esteem and are looking for a good time PM me :P)
  10. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    and these faults happen to be? This one really made me laugh "How can anyone cling onto the words of an ordinary person?" i wont say your an idiot, i wont say your retarded and i sure as hell wont point out your pathetic reasonings.
  11. wrxsti

    Reliability - Accuracy or Reproducibility???

    you cant assume that..............
  12. wrxsti

    how hard to get a 90?

    no-one in my school has ever gotten a 90 for business studies.. :S hoping i can be the first one :) Ill tell ya this, you can memorise the entire course and still get a 60....... BIGGEST THING TO REMEMBER: make sure you know the headings under which all the points are under.. this...
  13. wrxsti

    The, "Who hasn't studied" Thread

    i havent touched extension english all Year, its my 12th unit so it wont count unless i totally stuff up in other units (which seems unlikely) my final mark is 41-2 / 50 isnt it great when your teacher is such a lenient marker :)
  14. wrxsti

    A Little Help :(

    Thats good. :) Dont worry we're all believers. we all have faith you will fail, no doubt about it.
  15. wrxsti

    Do rankings REALLY matter?I

    People, this is what we refer to as "delusional" :D
  16. wrxsti

    Another Case Study Question(need an answer quick)

    well its pretty impossible to get one that COVERS ALL POINTS. i havent got one for financial mangemetn and stuff YOU DEFINETELY need one for change. If you get one for financial management and change, you can make one up.
  17. wrxsti

    Racism against Symonds

    im not really trying to say that (even if it sounded like that)
  18. wrxsti

    Racism against Symonds

    The Indians called symonds a monkey, He then calls the indians a monkey? 2 wrongs dont make a right? Its quite funny how "jimmay" you seem so outraged at them calling him a monkey, yet you seem to be much more raciist,ignorant and deluded Quote " i assume your are indian or otherwise...
  19. wrxsti

    John Howard: "Millions of Aussies won't say sorry to Aboriginals"

    one word.... "sorry" Now is it really THAT hard?