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  1. wrxsti

    Racism against Symonds

    name where i said "two wrong make a right" YOUR remark makes no comments, you tell me 2 wrongs dont make a right, yet you go and then say that Indians look like monkeys I will stop there as i have clearly proved your idiotic remarks. Subsequently Saying your dumber than a monkey would be an...
  2. wrxsti

    Racism against Symonds

    pfft. Firstly, Racism against symonds? WTF? Symonds has said so many racist things in cricket matches, dont you remember a few years ago.. (ill bring up an aritcle... ill search for it....) Dont make Symonds look like a saint, cause he isnt.
  3. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    Muslims Conquered countries like indonesia with brute force yea people?
  4. wrxsti

    Piercings and Tattoos

    move the camera 15 degrees up and youll make a whole lot of people happy.. :P
  5. wrxsti

    Interlinking/Connecting Case Studies

    Hey, ive got a seperate case study for each module. i was wondering. how exactly can i connect them, like i cant just hop from one case study to another eg) lets say question was about Industrial Conflict and how this helps this can help a business ahcieve financial objectives. like, in my...
  6. wrxsti

    im screwd

    will do :)
  7. wrxsti

    A HARD question

    May god have mercy on us all......
  8. wrxsti

    Honour Killings

    why the fuck do we need to put up with racist mother fuckers like you, dickhead. Answer that question If Islam wasnt around you would be saying the same fucking thing about Jews If Judaims wasnt around you would be saying the same fuken thing about Africans . So SHUT THE FUCK UP. sit...
  9. wrxsti

    Tricky questions

    they arent that bad....just integrate the inverse reciprocal of cosinex and invert with respect to "q" you then achieve an expression for dt/dy which is approximetaly equal to the squareoot of the rth term in the expanion of pie x cubed c .
  10. wrxsti

    any surprises this year?

    YOUR A CHEAT....... JUST ADMIT IT.............. we wont tell anyone...........
  11. wrxsti

    im screwd

    Suicide? ...... i heard all your problems go away....
  12. wrxsti

    Questions 9 and 10s

    oh yea.... but dont forget... make sure you check your answer to make sure its right. u dont want 11/120 doenst look right...
  13. wrxsti

    Questions 9 and 10s

    Spend 3 hours of the test on question 10..................... if you get 12/100 .... you'll know u got it right...
  14. wrxsti

    Beat Exam Stress Now!

    yes........ indeed
  15. wrxsti

    14 Year Old Teen Opens Fire In School

    As usual... this is one of those "Where else but America" Stories
  16. wrxsti

    2001 CSSA Answer?

    14 is a dilution question 180ppm 10mL of this and adds 90mL of water to this . so volume is now 100mL ok using expression M1V1 = M2V2 (Expressing everything in litres) 180 x 0.01 = 0.1 x M2 so M2 is 18ppm NOTE: i had probs with this question as 90mL and why we...
  17. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    god, you realy are a dickhead. what about your other 99% quotes which you bring from wikipedia? congrats 1% of your sources are correct P.S. (like the english language derivation one, also you still have failed to menion your sodomisation quote.... which you still ignored... mmhm)
  18. wrxsti

    The lie that Islam promotes Paedophilia.

    the reply of a man who just got OWNED