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  1. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    i misinterpretted what he said :S. can we just agree that you have a minority of idiots in both religions in let it be?
  2. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    The dude that made the "muslims are the masters of the world" isnt a muslim. hes jewish.
  3. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    Like i said in other thread, its not my problem if you dont know your religious texts. There is no use in arguing with ignorant people...... i just realised your going in circles. llike you do in all your other threads. Its nice to go off one night and see how truly pathetic you are. l8rz
  4. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    ok firstly, she was 9........ and secondly... context is totally different... and they did not engage in any intercourse years after that.............. i find it funny how firstly..... wait.... i love this hypocrisy... ok................... How the fuck can you compare what happened...
  5. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    its very easy to claim.. vast majorities of muslims supprot terrorism..... secondly....... your whole ideoloegy and ratioanlity is pathetic.... in your terms... your a terrorist becuase you associate muslim with terrorism.. cant have it both ways........ when i think of jews i think...
  6. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    lol. no country on earth will ever have 0% crime rate :S
  7. wrxsti

    Bluetooth - the new evil

    hey dickhead..... look around fukwit.......... my mum went to go take a camera with her to take picture of my little bro playing soccer for his club.... They wouldnt let anyone take pictures and any pictures my mum took were confiscated............ same thing happened at my basketball...
  8. wrxsti

    Honour Killings

    sources?....................... No-one is justifiying what these people are doing.... its a shame how these crimes occur......... these misinterprettations of Islamic Law.......its the same as suicide bombers who think they are going to heaven when they blow themselves up killing innocent...
  9. wrxsti

    Antacid Suspension Question

    why u treat them as 2 different values? doesnt that mean that your neutrilising them twice??? For the Magnesium tablet (full neutrilisation) then the Aluminium tablet...... you get what im saying ? :S
  10. wrxsti

    How to Perform Flame test?

    How exactly do we perform a flame test (we didnt do this in class) :S
  11. wrxsti

    Displacement Reactions

    never actually thought about it that way..... but i think the reaction will continue to occur........ until all the magnesium went away
  12. wrxsti

    Ozone layer and Antarctica?

    Nope...... we need to know what CFC's are used for.... (this is what ive got) CFC's began to be used as propellants, coolants, solvents... due to the fact that they have a low melting point and are very stable. That is all we need to know :) We also...
  13. wrxsti

    Ozone layer and Antarctica?

    lolz quite a bit of questions.... firstly... you dont need to know the reactions over Antarctica and the cloud and blah blah...... For this dot point this is what i got (which is all you need :)) How Informatiom Obtained: Meterological stations use balloons aircrafts and ground level...
  14. wrxsti

    is ag dead??

    Grrrrrr Get Back On Your Tractors Hillbillyssssszzz
  15. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    co-incidentally i actually researched it as well............................ and i once again believe its radical............................ .. guess we can sleep tight knowing that since its been asked before.. it wont be asked again.... (how my luck is going lately it will be in...
  16. wrxsti

    Why we place artefacts in NAOH solution

    why exactly do we place artefacts in solution of NaOH? is it becuase OH - displace the Cl- (Desalination)?
  17. wrxsti

    Products of Electrolysis

    How do we determine the product of electrolysis? Like does the Chemical which has the highest reduction potential get reduced? eg) Electrolysis concentrated of NaCl Anode-Oxidation 2Cl- -> Cl2 + 2e- Cathode-Reduction . For this cathodic reaction.. involving H20 would it...
  18. wrxsti

    What mark out of 105 you need for band 6?

    i was just wondering what mark out of 105 would you need to get a band 6 in advanced english????????
  19. wrxsti

    For those who need help with Creative Writing.

    you werent kidding when you said you had shocking spelling lol