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  1. wrxsti

    Chemistry Marathon 2007

    k, we'll try to put up past questions. Antoine Lavioser, A french chemist. first proposed that acids were made up of 2 substances, one of which was oxygen, he further went on to claim that All acids contained Oxygen. This was the first known Definition of an Acid. Substances classified...
  2. wrxsti

    Chemistry Marathon 2007

    i saw a thread like this in the "business studies" section so i thought i wud try one here :) "students have found it a great way to quiz each other on various areas of the syllabus and share their knowledge" How To Play The first person asks a Chemistry question. The next person answers it...
  3. wrxsti

    Some Help :) Probability

    its a question 10a) of some trial paper... i pretty much got to where you guys are. :S i got no answers to em though :(
  4. wrxsti

    Some Help :) Probability

  5. wrxsti

    How to Study For Business

    READ OVER your notes like 1000000 times
  6. wrxsti


    well me thinks you should only learn one ... Polystyrene: Use: Foam Cups Property: Chemically Unreactive, Heat Insulating Property, Low Denisty They wont ask for any more... :)
  7. wrxsti

    So ...... how are u gonna study for phys ??

    ill be 100% honest.... sometimes i wud study from around 9pm till school...... and i would do this for weeks....... yer i know it seems impossible but yer i would do that a lot.... .... this year has been so wierd... me lost my social life.... and i used to play basketball (reps+state)...
  8. wrxsti

    So ...... how are u gonna study for phys ??

    " so if you want to do ok at physics, just memorise lots of stuff and don't worry if you don't understand it. " Amen brother. "that said, there are questions that you do need to understand, there were quite a few in the multiple choice of the 2006 HSC." guess that explains why i got 10/15...
  9. wrxsti

    Redox help

    i have the same probelm with reduction of water and stuf.... you can juse say that Iron will be protected by excess electrons... so Iron will ge reduced.... works the same way :)
  10. wrxsti

    Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week - October 22-26

    So true.................. you people on this forum continue to make me laugh....... thats why i love this place...... i love the well balanced unbias perspectives all these loving, tolerant and intelligent people have. ................... your piece of paper is gana end world terrorism...
  11. wrxsti

    Who feels comfortable?

    As weird as it sounds.. im actually looking forward to the exams... i dont know why but i havent really felt ALL that stressed the entire year...... if you approach a test and hurry through it with the mentaility that you HAVE TO DO IT QUICKLY then you will get stressed. lose concentration not...
  12. wrxsti

    gesticulating during study

    lol some of my close friends hit themselve a lot in the head when they're studying... lolzz like when they cant remember something i tend to make a lot of hand gestures and walk around lol
  13. wrxsti

    Question Marking

    k thanx i get ya :)
  14. wrxsti

    So ...... how are u gonna study for phys ??

    therein lies my problem .... lolz.....good thing physics is a lot of memorisation... :) :S i dont understand the flux stuff at all.... :(
  15. wrxsti

    So ...... how are u gonna study for phys ??

    Past papers.. past papers. past papers.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz which wont really help me much ..... since i still dont know exactly why you freakn get electricity when you put metal next to a magnet.
  16. wrxsti

    Wave Model Photoelecric Effect :S

    1) Discuss Evidence for the Particle Nature of Light. 2) Dicuss Evidence for the ability of the WAVE model of light to explain the photoelectric effect Could someone explain these in a lot of detail cause im having trouble with this :(:(
  17. wrxsti

    Removal of Artefacts

    i know when you remove an artefact from the ocean it undergoes crystillisation so it gets destroyed... my teacher also goes that removing an artefact will cause HCL to form as the hydrated metal chloride reacts with oxygen gas producing HCL which can damage the artefact... i havent seen...
  18. wrxsti

    Connecting Texts

    Thanks Very helpful :)
  19. wrxsti

    is ag dead??

  20. wrxsti


    ask for specifics and ill put em up :)