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  1. wrxsti


    mmhmm are the agreements... certified and collective?
  2. wrxsti

    NH4Cl as an acidic salt

    mmhmm would it be appriopriate to say.... Cl- is the weak conjugate base of the strong acid HCl. and NH4+ is strong conjugate acid of the weak base NH3 so NH4+ preferentially reacts with water. forming a hydronium ion ?
  3. wrxsti

    It's officialy four weeks 'til the HSC exams!

    mmhmm...... when english is over me stop stressing....... lolz im so freakn nervous. :(
  4. wrxsti

    A Comparison of Textbooks

    can you ever got a worse combination... then Couchman and Jone (from the freakn stone age) and "Maths in Focus" (a year 2 kid could do all the questions) Thats the books we use for 2unit and 3unit. Makes no difference wat kinda book you use in the end. if you understand concepts thats all...
  5. wrxsti

    Highest Mark for Chemistry?

    oooooooooo. lol. kewl. so its possible.... :)
  6. wrxsti

    Highest Mark for Chemistry?

    I was just wondering... someone was telling me no-one has ever got 100% for chemistry? is this true? if no'1s got 100 does anyone know what the highest mark has been :S
  7. wrxsti

    Studying for chem

    read over study notes... i rememorise my notes every 4 days for each subject
  8. wrxsti


    Deloitte, isnt that an accountancy firm, why would they want engineering students?? do they take 2nd year uni students?
  9. wrxsti

    2 Questions

    1) solve the inequality 1/(|x-3|) > 1/2 the | is absolute value sign............... i know how to do it without the absolute value sign... but i keep getting it wrong with the absolute value sign.. 2) given a^x = b^y = (ab)^z prove 1/x + 1/y = 1/z...
  10. wrxsti

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    mmhmm ..... my chemistry class is so weird.... we come up with the most impractical solutions to the worlds problems......... eg1) somebody reasoned that we should speed up global warming by placing heaters at the south pole eg2) "Miss if Ozone is bad in the troposphere, why cant they...
  11. wrxsti

    NH4Cl as an acidic salt

    ok, i know NH4Cl is an acidic salt becuase NH4+ + H20 -> H30+ + NH3 production of H30+ means its acidic salt but my question is...... in the reasoning..... would you say.... NH4+ is weak base forming strong conjugate acid.? if this is the case.... isnt NH3 a base.?
  12. wrxsti

    calculus in physical world

    mmhmmm i fink what they mean by that is.... the distance from t=3 to t=4 applications of calculaus is my fav topic. but ive never seen questions like that..(about distance at 4th second) .. i dont think we will ever get one in the HSC as if there is any discrepencies as to how a question may...
  13. wrxsti

    Binomial help

    mmhmm i had this problem... but i fink i understand how they cancelled out... you know the (n - k +1) ! i fink dey broke it up into (n -k)! x (n-k+1) they then equated demoniators..... blah blah blah... and cancelled out.. im pretty sure.... thats what happened :)
  14. wrxsti

    Case Study

    mmhmm so every point should have a reference back to the case study..,, thanx.
  15. wrxsti

    Case Study

    i got 19/20 for that section... i sorta mentioned my case study here and there and the start... then i wrote in a lot of details at the end
  16. wrxsti

    Membrane Filters Good Question

    What contaminants cant membrane filters filter out? ... membrane filters avoid the need to chemically treat water right.... so what could they possibly miss out? some bacteria? Any help would be appreciated thanks
  17. wrxsti

    PostGrad Med

    hii, neva did consider med until undergoing my engineering degree, was just wondering, i got a uai of 65 and when i complete my degree, how hard would it be for me to do postgrad med? what are the requirements, goals i should be aiming for? thanks
  18. wrxsti

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    lol whenever im stressed from PHYSICS !! i just do chemistry and maths.... soothing... lol.......... and when i feel like writing some BS i do english :) i cant believe how stupid english is............. even a teacher at my school is like "we spend 2 years of our lives trying to teach...
  19. wrxsti

    Y12 Next Year- Tips for Mathamatics

    Drinking + Smoking Pot = Sucess in mathematics Mmmhmmm re-arranining the formula and analysing data we may conclude that.......................